Keep integrity and respect benevolence and righteousness. Zhu Xi
If you want people not to hear, don't say anything; if you want people not to know, don't do anything. Write a letter to remonstrate with King Wu
Disobey. Ashamed: Ashamed. If you don't do anything that is sorry to others, you won't feel ashamed. Puji
Ethical people always pay attention to fairness. Jin Ying
Do not deceive yourself internally, do not deceive others externally, and do not deceive heaven above. A gentleman should be cautious in his independence. Unknown
He who doesn’t trust anyone knows he has no credibility. Auerbach
If you value etiquette higher than the moon, you will lose the sincere trust between people. Bacon
Passion for people and trust in people, figuratively speaking, are the air on which caressing and tender wings fly. Suhomlinsky
Public trust cannot be entrusted to anyone casually unless the person first proves that he is competent and suitable for the job. Ma Henry
If we look at etiquette If you are higher than the moon, you will lose the sincere trust between people. Bacon
The trust of the people is the condition for the survival of newspapers and periodicals. Without this condition, newspapers and periodicals will completely languish. Marx
There is no better conduct than honesty. Song·Zhu Xi