People without faith don't know what they can do. What should I do if there is no big car and no small car? -Confucius
A gentleman is respectful, and all men are brothers within the four seas. -Confucius
A virtuous person helps others to achieve their moral perfection, not their evil behavior. The villain is the opposite. -Confucius
Advise and be good at this. If you can't stop, don't bring disgrace to oneself. -Confucius
A gentleman's name must be said, and his words must be done. A gentleman's words are nothing but nothing. -Confucius
You can speak in words without talking to them, which is a loss; Don't talk to it in words, it's rude. Those who know, don't lose people, don't lose words. -Confucius
A gentleman who is not heavy is not arrogant; Learning is not solid. Lord is faithful. A man without friends is worse than himself. It is never too late to mend.
Words must be kept, and actions must bear fruit, but I am a villain!
A gentleman is ashamed of his words, but he does not stop.
Be respectful, respectful and loyal to others. -Confucius
It's called impatience if you don't say it. If you say it or not, it's called hiding. If you don't see the color, it's called jealousy. -Confucius
People with different courses cannot make plans for each other. -Confucius
Words must be kept, and actions must be fruitful. Although it is a barbarian country, it must be done. Is it true that you are disloyal and disrespectful, although you are in a state? -Confucius