There are several English proverbs with fruits as follows
apples and oranges? Two unrelated things
2. apple of (one's) eye? The apple in the eye
3. The apple never falls far from the tree.
Like father, like son.
4. bad apple/rotten apple? Bad guy
5. one bad (or rotten) apple spoils the whole bunch (or? barrel)? A smelly fish makes a pot of soup
6. rotten to the core? So bad, completely worthless
7. polish(one's) apple? To flatter someone
apple polisher? flatterer
8. upset the apple cart? Sabotage the plan
9. banana republic? banana ***和国 (referring to a weak or corrupt country)
10 . second banana?subordinate
top banana?leader, leader
11. go bananas?become excited,become crazy
to drive (someone) bananas?provoke Anger at someone
12. cherry-pick? Carefully select
13. Life is a bowl of cherries.
Life is like a bowl of cherries, dark It means life is beautiful and simple.
Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries.
Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory.
14. not give a fig? Don’t care
15. peaches and cream? Life goes smoothly