Confucius said, "If you know it silently, you will never tire of learning and never tire of teaching." Confucius believes that teachers should study hard, learn endlessly, constantly improve their knowledge, be loyal to their duties, be diligent in teaching students and be tireless.
In his teaching career, Confucius really practiced the educational thought of "teaching all classes, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching", and set a lofty example for us in educational thought.
Confucius also had his own unique views on governing the country. He is an idealist who runs the country. In a society where there is no way in the world and the ceremony collapses and the music is bad, Confucius runs around preaching "benevolence", "benevolence" and "ruling the country by virtue" He knew it was not feasible and insisted on doing it. He won't escape from reality, he won't be lonely, and he won't be confused.
It was not peaceful at that time, and Confucius had to take care of many things. He wants people to live a good life, even at the expense of themselves. Confucius deserves to be a model for intellectuals all over the world, and this strong sense of responsibility is worth learning from future generations.
People say that time will dilute everything, but Confucius' theory can break through the test of time and exist independently. Today, those ancient theories are still enduring after more than 2500 years of vicissitudes.
At the end of his life, he cried. It's hard for us to read it clearly, but one thing is certain. The conflict between ideal and reality deeply hurt Confucius' heart ... Confucius is not far away from us, and his thoughts have always been in our lives. Therefore, we can do better and better in life and reassure him.
This is Confucius in my heart, and this is Confucius. Love, love yourself. "Scholars have a long way to go to strive for self-improvement." Confucius is a real gentleman! His first son spread all over the world, and he also spread benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom all over the world!
Oriental sage: Confucius.