1: The greatest torture in the world is to love with contempt at the same time. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Shackles of Life"
2: If you think about self-esteem when it comes to love, there can only be one reason: In fact, you still love yourself the most. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
3: I have never known why people fall in love with another person. I guess maybe there is a gap in our hearts. It is a hole, whistling and pouring biting cold wind into the soul, so we urgently need a heart with the right shape to fill it. Even if you are a perfect circle like the sun, the gap in my heart may still be there. It's just a crooked zigzag shape, so you can't fill it in. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Veil"
4: Each of us is lonely in the world. Everyone is imprisoned in an iron tower and can only rely on some symbols to communicate his thoughts with others; and these symbols do not have the same value, so their meaning is vague and uncertain. It is very pitiful that we want to convey the wealth in our hearts to others, but they do not have the ability to receive this wealth. Therefore, we can only walk alone, although our bodies are close to each other, we are not together. We neither understand nor can we be understood by others. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
5: There were sixpences all over the ground, but he looked up and saw the moon. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
6: "Why do likeable women always marry idiots?" "Because smart men don't marry likeable women. " -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
7: It's useless to cry if the milk is spilled, because all the forces in the universe are deliberately trying to spill the milk. -- Somerset Maugham "The Shackles of Human Nature"
8: Emotions have reasons that reason cannot understand at all. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
9: What you have to overcome is your vanity and your desire to show off. What you have to deal with is your cleverness that always wants to rush out and be in the limelight- - Somerset Maugham
10: If your happiness is no longer so strong, then your pain will no longer be so heart-wrenching. -- Maugham's "Writer's Notes"
11: "I have no illusions about you at all." He said, "I know you are stupid, frivolous, and empty-minded, but I love you. I know your Your intentions, your ideals, you are snobbish and vulgar, but I love you. I know you are a second-rate thing, but I love you. I try my best to appreciate the things you are passionate about, and to show you that I am not ignorant and vulgar. , gossip, stupidity, I took great pains. I know that wisdom will shock you, so I must be cautious and act like a fool like any man you associate with. I know that you only married me for your own selfishness. I love you so much that it doesn't matter to me. I know that people often feel sad and disappointed when they fall in love with someone and don't get it back. I've never been that way. I never imagined that you would have a reason to love me, and I never considered myself to be lovable. I should be grateful to be given the opportunity to love you. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Veil." 》
12: Generally speaking, love is just an episode for men, one of many things in daily life. However, novels exaggerate love and give it a meaning that violates the reality of life. The importance of sex. Although there are a few men who regard love as the top priority in the world, these people are often indifferent; even women who are infinitely interested in love do not think highly of such men. . Women will be attracted to such men and will be delighted by their flattery, but they can't help but have an uneasy feeling in their hearts - these people are pitiful creatures. Men keep doing it even during the short period of love. Something else distracts them: the things they need to make a living attract their attention; they indulge in sports; they may also be interested in art.
As a person who falls in love, the difference between men and women is that women can fall in love all day and all night, while men can only do this kind of thing sometimes and for a while. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
13: God's millstone turns slowly, but it grinds very finely. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
14: He did not understand that on the journey of life, he had to cross a vast wilderness of drought, barrenness, and dangerous terrain before he could enter the living real world. The so-called "youth brings happiness" is just an illusion, an illusion of people whose youth has passed away - Somerset Maugham's "The Shackles of Life"
15: There is such a thing in life : You meet someone every day for several months, and the relationship between you and him becomes very close. At that time, you may even wonder how you can live without this person. Then the two separated, but everything continued as before. The partner you thought you couldn't live without for a moment has now become dispensable. Day after day, over time, you don't even think about him anymore. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Shackles of Life"
16: I know that I will have to let myself feel bitter regret for the life I have spent, but I deny that this regret has anything to do with myself. Now, I am weak, old, poor and sick, and on the verge of death, but I still hold my soul tightly in my hands. I have nothing to regret. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Shackles of Humanity"
17: She has never had any feelings for her husband. In the past, I thought she loved Stroeve, but in fact it was just a man's caress and the comfort of life. A natural reaction caused in a woman. Most women take this reaction as love. It is a passive feeling that can be felt towards anyone, just as a vine can cling to any tree. Because this kind of emotion can make a girl marry any man who needs her, and she believes that she will fall in love with this man over time, so worldly opinions determine its power. But after all, what is this feeling? It is nothing more than the satisfaction of a secure life, the pride of owning property, the satisfaction that someone needs you, and the pride of building your own family. Women are kind-hearted and love vanity, so they think this emotion Very rich in spiritual value. But this feeling is defenseless in the face of impulsive enthusiasm. -- Somerset Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"
18: Doing what you want to do most, living in an environment you like, being quiet and uncontested, is this a waste of yourself? On the contrary, is being a famous surgeon, earning an annual salary of 10,000 pounds, and marrying a beautiful wife considered success? I think it all depends on how a person views the meaning of life, what obligations he believes he should have towards society, and what requirements he has for himself. -- Maugham "The Moon and Sixpence"