1. Mencius said: "To nourish the heart, don't be good at having few desires. As a person, you have few desires. Even if you don't have them, you are few. If you are a person, you have many desires. Even if you have them, you are few. "
Translation: Mencius said: "There is no better way to cultivate one's heart than to reduce desires. If a person has few desires, even if there is a lost part in his heart, there will be very little; If a person has many desires, even if there is some preservation, there will be very little. "
2. The Master said: "A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in. He is sensitive to things and careful in his words. He who is Taoist and upright can be said to be eager to learn."
Translation: Confucius said: "A gentleman does not seek to be satisfied with his diet, and does not seek comfort in his residence. He is diligent and agile in his work, but cautious in his speech. Those who have the right to correct themselves can be said to be eager to learn."
3. The Master said: "If a person has no faith, he does not know what to do. How can it be done?"
Translation: Confucius said: "If a person loses his trust or does not keep his trust, he does not know what else he can do, just like a cart without the wooden pins connecting the shaft and the yoke. "Sir, the cart has no pins connecting the poles and the crossbars. How can it move?"
4. Mencius said: "If you have nothing to do with it, then you will have nothing to do with it." Nothing is too thin. Those who advance sharply will retreat quickly."
Translation: Mencius said: "If you stop what you shouldn't, then there is nothing you can't stop being kind to. If you treat him lightly, there is nothing that cannot be treated lightly. Those who advance too quickly will retreat quickly."
5. If a king is kind, he will be invincible in the world - Mencius
Translation: If the monarch of a country loves benevolence, there will be no rivals in the world.