1. Being rich and noble unjustly is like a floating cloud to me.
2. A scholar who aspires to the Tao but is ashamed of bad clothes and bad food is not worthy of discussion.
3. If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up.
4. When three of us travel together, we must be our teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
5. To know something is to know it, and to know it is to know it. It is knowledge.
6. Smart and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions.
7. The descendants do not seek Xia, the barbarians do not invade China, the captives do not make alliances, and the troops do not force the enemy to do well.
8. Be careful in your end, pursue your goals, and the people's virtue will be strong.
9. If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger.
10. A little impatience will mess up a big plan.
11. An ordinary man cannot seize his will.
12. People with different paths should not conspire with each other.
13. Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.
14. Confucius said: "Knowing words and making people look fresh and benevolent."
15. Confucius said: "A gentleman does not seek to be full when eating, nor does he seek peace when living. He is quick to do things and cautious in doing things." If you speak in a right way, you can be said to be eager to learn."
16. Confucius said: "Don't worry about others, but you don't know others."
17 , Confucius said: "Three hundred poems can be summed up in one sentence, saying: 'Thinking is innocent.'"
18. Confucius said: "I am determined to learn when I am fifteen, and when I am thirty, When you are standing, you will not be confused at forty, you will know the destiny at fifty, your ears will be attuned at sixty, and you will follow your heart's desires at seventy without going beyond the rules."
19. Confucius said: "You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new. .