After all, the emperor's family has a great cause, and he has served the emperor well, so he will have nothing to eat and wear all his life. However, there is also a saying that accompanying a gentleman is like accompanying a tiger. If courtiers offend the emperor, they will be beheaded or put to death.
Therefore, this size must be well handled! Working beside the emperor, you can't talk and do things indiscriminately, or you will be killed and don't know who killed you!
Generally speaking, when working for the emperor, the emperor is happy, or when there is a festival, they will invite the minister to dinner. Of course, not all ministers will be so lucky. Only the people most valued by the emperor will be invited to dinner at home.
Being invited to dinner by the emperor is also the greatest honor as a courtier!
In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong often gave his ministers something to eat. It can be said that he is a different emperor, because he often makes ministers eat pig elbows.
For example, during festivals, sacrifices are made. After the sacrifice, Ganlong will be handed over to ministers. Of course, princes, concubines and others will also get elbow food.
However, as soon as the minister heard about eating elbows, he began to frown and have resistance. Because this elbow is so terrible that it is hard to swallow.
The reason is that elbows are cooked in boiled water until they are cooked to 89 minutes, so they can be used directly. There is really no salt at all, and I can bear it once or twice. If you eat too much, nobody can stand it.
Some people say that these ministers really can't eat it, so they take it out. Throw it away when you leave the palace gate. Some people even say that Ji Xiaolan people love to eat pork, and even eat pork without salt with relish.
Because of Ji Xiaolan's hobby, ministers gave Ji Xiaolan pork that they didn't like. What is the real situation?
Does the minister really dare to throw away the elbow given by the emperor?
In fact, it is true that Qianlong gave the minister pig elbows, and it is also true that the pig elbows did not put salt. There is a saying that there is no salt.
This should be the family rule of Qianlong!
Everyone knows that the Qianlong family belongs to the Jurchen nationality. Before their ancestors became emperors, they all hunted in the northeast and ate raw meat. The conditions are very bitter, and eating cooked meat is very happy. It is unthinkable to put salt as an advanced seasoning.
The reason why they continue to live like this on holidays after becoming emperors is to warn future generations that life is hard-won, and we should understand the hardships of our ancestors' lives!
Does Gan Long like this kind of meat?
Of course I don't like it, because he also knows that this meat tastes bad. However, this kind of unpalatable meat, he must give it to ministers and let them enjoy it together.
The emperor can't suffer, but the minister can be happy. Therefore, after each sacrifice, Gan Long gave it to the priest's pig elbow.
You must accept what the emperor gave the minister, even if you don't like it, especially the food. Since the emperor gave it to you, it is a cup of poisoned wine and a piece of poisoned meat. As a minister, you can't have any doubts. You must eat in front of the emperor.
Otherwise it is disrespectful to the emperor. I gave you something. Is it shameful not to eat?
Therefore, there is no situation in which the minister takes out the pig's elbow and throws it directly outside the palace gate. If this happens, I'm afraid the minister who threw pork will be beheaded.
Of course, many people think it is true that the minister threw away the pig's elbow, because of the influence of novels and film and television dramas. In fact, in reality, the minister dare not do so at all.
Can only say that as a servant of the emperor, everything is not satisfactory. When the powerful emperor meets, the minister will suffer. Emperors like Qianlong like to make ministers suffer.
If you meet Daoguang, it will be the minister's happiness, because Daoguang is very stingy. In order to save money, the lights are not long at night, so he goes to bed early every day.
Such an emperor could not invite his ministers to dinner, nor could he eat pig's elbow. Even Daoguang Emperor himself can hardly eat pig's elbow. So, that is, the ministers of Qianlong dynasty were sick at the sight of elbows!