1, Gong Yixiu is the Prime Minister of Lu, and he especially likes to eat fish. A national bought him fish, but Mr. Gong Yi refused. His students advised him: "You like to eat fish but don't accept other people's fish. Why? "
He replied, "I don't accept fish because I like it." If I accept fish offered by others, I will be fired, so I can't offer my own fish. If I don't accept other people's fish, I won't be removed from the post of prime minister, and I can supply my own fish for a long time. "
2. The formal ceremony is to be the prime minister of Lu. He likes fish very much. When he became the state minister of Lu, many people from all over the country sent him fish, but he declined them all. His disciples advised him, "Teacher, you like fish so much, but others bring it to your door. Why not? "
The official stopped listening and replied, "Because I like fish, I can't just accept fish from others. If I am dismissed for petty profits and bribes, I can't satisfy this hobby. If I am honest and don't accept bribes from others, I will inevitably take my job and often eat fish. "
Gong Yixiu is the prime minister of Lu and likes to eat fish. People all over Shandong rushed to buy him fish, but Gong Yixiu refused. His disciple said, "Why do you like to eat fish and don't accept it?"? . (Gong Yixiu) said, "It's because I like fish that I don't accept it.
If I accept (the fish given to me by others), there must be a performance that I dare not blame others, and it is illegal to dare not blame others; If you violate the law, you will be removed from the post of prime minister; I was relieved of my post as prime minister, so although I like to eat fish, these people will definitely not give me fish, and I can't supply fish myself.
If I don't accept fish (given to me by others) and don't dismiss me as prime minister, even if I don't accept fish (given to me by others), I can supply fish by myself at any time. This is (just) understanding that relying on others is better than relying on yourself; It is better to give yourself (a plan) than to know that others will do it for you. "
Second, the original text
1, it's a public ceremony to take a break from Lu Xiang and love fish. People in China don't accept fish. His brother protested, "If you are addicted to fish, why not?" Yue: "My husband only loves fish, so he is not subject to it. If there is no fish, you can't be self-sufficient. Without fish, you can't be self-sufficient. "
Civil servants like to eat fish when they come back from vacation in Luxiang. A country offers fish, and public servants take it. His disciples warned him: "The master likes fish, but what did he get?" Answer: "My husband only likes to eat fish, so I accept it. Husband has no fish, although he loves to eat fish, he can't feed himself; If you don't have fish today, you can grow your own fish. " This is very clear to those who do it for others and for themselves.
3, the public ceremony Hugh Lu Xiang, and addicted to fish, a country tried to buy fish and offer it, the public ceremony is not affected. His brother remonstrated, saying, "Master loves fish and doesn't take it. Why not?" Yes, he said, "My husband only likes fish, so he doesn't accept it. If a husband gets fish, he has the color of a servant, and if he has the color of a servant, he wastes it on the law; If the law is abolished, it will be avoided.
I'm not interested in fish, but it won't make me a fish, and I can't feed myself. That is, I can't help myself without fish. Although I don't raise fish, I can raise fish by myself. "This MingFu depends on people, not on yourself; It is better to be yourself than to be yourself.
Third, the source
During the Warring States Period, Han Feizi and Chu talked about Ji Lian and Qin Xiang.
Extended information i. Enlightenment
The story of Gong Yi's refusal to fish in Soo Ae has been circulated as a beautiful talk for thousands of years, because he can clearly understand the relationship between personal likes and dislikes and the success or failure of his career, always manage the details, resist the temptation, and write Gong Yixiu's incorruptibility with his heart. Enlightenment to us: being innocent, the office is the official.
Second, the introduction of characters
Gong Yixiu, a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, was an official of the Prime Minister of Lu. Because of clean government, no gifts, law-abiding was passed on to future generations. And the students they teach are very famous.
Three. Brief introduction of the author
Han Fei (about 280-233 BC) was born in Xinzheng (now xinzheng city, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province), the capital of South Korea during the Warring States Period. He was a representative of Legalism, an outstanding thinker, philosopher and essayist. Son of Hanwang, disciple of Xunzi, brother Lisi.
Han Feizi is a master of legalism, which provided a theoretical basis for the birth of the first unified and autocratic centralized country in China.
Han Fei loved his motherland deeply, but he didn't get the attention of the king of South Korea. In order to get Han Fei, the king of Qin sent troops to attack South Korea. After Han Fei entered Qin, his strategy of "protecting Han from Qin" could not be used by Qin.
Han Fei was jailed for impeaching Shangqing Yao Jia, which led to Yao Jia's revenge. After Reese went to prison, he was poisoned. Although Han Feizi died, his legalist thoughts were reused by Ying Zheng, the king of Qin, and Han Feizi was regarded as the key to governing the state of Qin. Help Qin enrich Qiang Bing and finally unify the six countries. Han Fei's thought is profound and advanced, which has a far-reaching influence on later generations.
Han Fei is a master of legalism, combining Shang Yang's "Fa", Shen Buhai's "Shu" and Shen Dao's "Teacher". Han Fei combines Laozi's dialectics, simple materialism and law.
He is the author of Everything is Wrong, with 55 articles,100000 words. It is unique in the prose of pre-Qin philosophers, which shows that Han Fei attaches great importance to materialism and utilitarianism and actively advocates the theory of autocratic monarchy in order to provide rich and powerful soldiers for autocratic monarchs.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Gong Yixiu is addicted to fish
Baidu encyclopedia-Han Fei