996 is a blessing. Who said that?
996 is a blessing. This sentence was said by Ma Yun. The statement that "996 is a blessing" is not accepted by employees and the public. On the contrary, more people call for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees and achieving a balance between work and life. This sentence was said by Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba Group. He once said that the 996 working system was a blessing. Ma Yun, 1964 was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in September. Originally from Gulai Town, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province. He is the main founder of Alibaba Group. He is currently a director of Softbank, chairman of the China Committee of the Nature Conservancy and a member of the global board of directors, director of Huayi Brothers, director of the Life Science Breakthrough Award Foundation, and co-chairman of the United Nations High-level Group on Digital Cooperation.