Thomas More’s Quotes
1. Your sheep have always been so tame and easy to feed. It is said that now they have become so greedy and ferocious that they even eat people. , and ravage your fields, homes, and cities into ruins. "Utopia" - Thomas More
2. Many people treat opportunities like children on the beach: they fill their little hands with sand, and then let the sand fall, one by one, Until all is gone. ——Thomas More
3. Drowning man will catch at a straw. Drowning man will catch at a straw. "A Dialogue between Ease and Suffering" - Thomas More
4. A wise man would rather prevent illness in the bud than cure it before it occurs; he would rather encourage pain to be overcome than seek comfort for the sake of pain. ——Thomas More(
Article 1: the famous saying of adhering to principles
Just as celestial bodies maintain vitality through movement, a gentleman should constantl