1, snow makes people feel only one word-cold. The earth is silvery white and clean, but snowflakes still fall from the sky like catkins, cotton and goose feathers.
It's very cold, and there is a donkey in the hall. Juzi unloaded in the spring has been put in the carriage. Now, I have moved it out, scrubbed it clean and replaced it with new pink paper and snow-white paper. When you lie in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if there is an extra layer of protection in your life. The family sat together, with lovely lights. The bed was removed and covered with straw. It was a sunny day to wash and dry books. The curtains of Xiabu are hung in the yard, and summer is far away. Straw is packed in a cloth cover, which is rough and as big as a bed. Covered with straw, it is warm and fragrant, which makes people feel happy. But it's still cold. Winter in the south is worse than that in the north, and there is no fire at home. In the evening, I took off my cotton-padded jacket, got into the cold bed, got up early and put on my cold cotton-padded jacket and trousers. The weather is really cold.
In the early winter, she was like a beautiful, noble and reserved princess, waving a magical veil and sending cold winds.
4. Snow, I love you, and I love your purity. You decorated the earth with silvery white, and how beautifully you dressed it.
When it begins to snow, the snowflakes are usually not big or dense. For example, catkins float gently with the wind. The wind is blowing harder and harder, the snow is getting denser and denser, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger, like a white net. You can't see anything if you are far away.
The sunshine in winter can give me what I need most this season-warmth. Therefore, as long as the clouds in the sky are swept away and the sun appears from the clear sky, I like to go to the sun and let the sun shine around, baking myself like a cake in the oven, which is fragrant and sweet.