The five aggregates are color aggregate, feeling aggregate, perception aggregate, action aggregate and consciousness aggregate. Among the five aggregates, except for the first form aggregate, which is a material phenomenon, the other four aggregates are all spiritual phenomena within the five aggregates.
Five aggregates theory. The five aggregates are actually the Buddhist theory about the elements that make up the human body and its physical and mental phenomena. The "Yun" of the five aggregates is the transliteration of Sanskrit, and its meaning is accumulation or combination. Buddhism believes that all sentient beings in the world are composed of the five aggregates, and a person's life is also composed of the five aggregates.
Among the five aggregates, the color aggregate is divided into inner color and outer color, which are roots and objects (dust). The dust is the environment we know, and the root is what our consciousness relies on to know the external environment. The psychology of contact between the mind and the environment is called contact. What can know the external environment at the time of contact is consciousness. After the mind and environment come into contact, feelings, thoughts, and actions will arise continuously. After that, the three kinds of feelings - pain, pleasure, and equanimity - arise. At the same time, the mind constructs and draws various forms. Giving them various names is what is called thinking. After establishing the famous sayings and adding troubles, good and evil thoughts will arise, and even the body, speech, and mind will be used to create karma. This is the relationship between the five aggregates of form, feeling, thinking, action, and consciousness. Our life is such a continuous activity.