Datong-The Book of Rites Li Yun was recorded by Confucian scholars in the Western Han Dynasty as a Confucian speech during the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties.
Old friends Zhong Ni and Yu Lubin sighed with shame when they finished their work and went out to check. Sigh, cover sigh Lu also. Yan Yan said, "Why do gentlemen sigh?" Confucius said, "The trip to the Avenue is also different from the English of three generations, and you are ambitious and can't catch it."
"Avenue trip also, the world is public. Choose talents, make friends and mend fences. Such an old friend is not only a relative, but also an only child, so that the old, the strong, the useful, the young, the strong, the lonely and the sick can all be supported. Men get points and women get rewards. Goods, abandon it to the ground, don't hide it in yourself; Force, evil is not out of the body, not for yourself. Therefore, if you are not rich, you will seek closure, and if you don't work, you will be a thief. Therefore, if you don't close outside, it is Datong. "
"This avenue is hidden, the world is home, each of them is close, each is a child, and the goods are for themselves. Adults think it is a gift. Guo Cheng ditch pool solid, etiquette for discipline; Be an upright monarch and minister, be a loyal father and son, be a harmonious brother, be a harmonious couple, establish a system, establish a field, be both wise and brave, and take merit as your own responsibility. Therefore, the use is the work, and the soldiers set out from this. Wu Wen became the king of the Duke of Zhou, so he chose it. None of the six gentlemen is unwilling to be polite. Take its righteousness, test its letter, write its story, punish its people and make its people clear. If you don't come from here, go there. Everyone thinks it's a well-off society. "
Confucius once joined the ranks of wax sacrifice attendants before. After the ceremony, he went to the pavilion and sighed. Confucius' bullet is probably a sigh to Lu! Ziyou asked, "Why are you sighing?" Confucius said, "Compared with the outstanding figures in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties (Yu Tang and Wu Wen), I am not as good as them, but I am also interested!"
"Avenue era, the world belongs to the public. Select talents and appoint talents, and recommend talents. Pay attention to credit, adjust the relationship between people and make it harmonious. Therefore, people love not only their parents, but also their children. Let the elderly die a natural death, let the young and middle-aged people give full play to their talents, and let their children have the conditions and measures to let them grow up. Old people without wives, old people without husbands, young people without fathers and old people without children all have support measures. Men have jobs and women have in-laws. Property, people hate it being thrown on the ground (that is, they hate throwing it away casually), but they don't necessarily hide it in their own homes. Strength, people hate that it is not made by themselves (that is, everyone comes up with strength), but it is not necessarily made by themselves. So the treachery is blocked, theft, rebellion and injury will not happen, and there is no need to close the door from the outside. This is a situation of high peace and unity. "
"Now that the avenue has disappeared, the world has become private. People only love their parents, only their children, and handle their finances and contributions for themselves: the emperor and the prince regard it as a ceremony to pass on generations of brothers. The moat outside the city is used as a defense facility. Take propriety and righteousness as the criterion: use propriety and righteousness to correct the relationship between monarch and minister, make the relationship between father and son pure, make the relationship between brothers harmonious, make the relationship between husband and wife harmonious, establish a household registration system with propriety and righteousness, regard those who are brave, resourceful and decisive as sages with propriety and righteousness (because thieves rose up at that time), and regard themselves as heroes with propriety and righteousness. Thus, the treacherous heart was born, and the war began. Yu Xia, Shang Tang, Zhou Wenwang, Zhou Wuwang, Zhou Chengwang and Duke Zhou became the best of the three generations of kings, and were selected from them (according to etiquette). None of these six outstanding figures takes their manners seriously. Praise them (people) for doing the right thing with courtesy, fulfill their promises with courtesy, expose their mistakes, define kindness as French, and advocate comity. Instruct people to follow fixed norms politely. If there are people who don't obey the etiquette, the incumbent will be dismissed, and the people regard this as a scourge. This can be called a little stability. "