Everyone has moments of loss and hesitation. Should we give up all the happy times because of occasional setbacks?
Get everything you need ready before you start the work.
Do something useful, or you will regret it all your life.
4. If you open the door, you will get toknowthetruthhidbehindit.
If you open the door, you will know the truth behind it.
Today is a special day.
Cheer up, today is a special day.
6、weneedgooddeedstoenlightenuorlifeandlift spirit。
We need charity to light up our lives and wash our hearts.
7. If you lose the stone, you lose the opportunity.
If you miss the last chance, there will be no more.
8、Abaseballcard? Is this what he got?
Baseball card? For a baseball card?
You never loved Hank as much as I did.
You never loved me as much as you loved Hank!
Do you still want to get engaged? Oh, please. Those people are conceited, their marriages are crazy and romantic.
Do you still want to get engaged after this whole day's torture? These people were carried away by crazy romance as soon as they got married.
12、hewasabsent from the partywhere heweuldgetengage。
He missed his engagement party.
13, they will get engaged, get married and live.
They will get engaged, get married and live happily.
14, don't get married.
Don't get married on impulse. Marriage is no joke.
15、Aw、poorchipmunk、speechlessinmypresence。 What do you say, sir? Don't test my patience.
Poor chipmunk, can't speak in front of me. What did you say, sir? Don't test my patience.