Einstein is considered as one of the smartest people in history. Smart enough that after his death, the pathologist who examined his body stole his brain.
Thomas Harvey took Einstein's brain, although the genius made it clear that he didn't want his brain and body to be studied after his death.
and even though it turns out that Einstein's brain is really different from most people's, his genius is not always obvious.
When he was young, Einstein's parents even thought he was disabled, because he was slow to learn and didn't speak until he was four years old.
However, when he was five years old, his father showed him a compass for the first time, and he became fascinated with science. In the following decades, he not only developed the theory of relativity and other inventions, changed the way we look at and experience the world, but also left us with wisdom on how to live a better life.
There are many paths to success, but the few similarities among successful people are persistence.
Einstein's invention was not accidental. His work is the result of decades of research and experiments.
whenever you give up too early, you give up the chance to win.
Many times, the most successful people are not the smartest people, nor the most talented people, but the people with the most perseverance and curiosity. If you are interested in growth and open-minded, you will encounter incredible opportunities and probably find the answer to the question.
However, if you think you are smarter than anyone else, you may not only die alone, but also lack diversity and small victories in your life.
How to use it:
Whenever you feel like giving up a project or dream, take a few minutes to ask yourself why you started.
if something is essential, you will try to stick to it and make it successful. And if you give up too easily, it is probably not that important anyway.
Einstein found this sentence in a letter to his son in 193.
many times, once we encounter difficulties, we will stop moving forward. But in fact, what we need at these times is exercise. Even if life is bad, we should move on.
Everything you want in life is on the other side of consistency. No matter how difficult the situation seems, moving on will always pay off.
How to use it:
No matter what you do, always keep moving.
Great things never come from the comfort zone. If you are lazy, they will never come.
Curiosity and exercise will help you keep your balance and enrich your life in many ways.
As Oprah once said.
This is my favorite sentence from Einstein, because it sums up how we should study in the 21st century.
In 1921, Einstein was asked about the speed of sound, and he replied that he didn't know because he didn't carry such information in his mind, if there was ready-made information in the textbook.
today, we can get more information than ever before. We can find the answers to most questions in just a few minutes or even seconds through smart phones.
However, the education system is still forcing students to memorize information for exams.
this is not only ineffective, but also worthless, because the information itself has no value. What matters is how you use this information and whether you can recall it when you need it.
How to use it:
Never waste your brain to memorize information that you can easily store elsewhere and find it in a few seconds.
every day, we have thousands of mini-decisions to make. Every time we make such a decision, our energy level will drop, and it will become more difficult to be focused and fruitful.
memorizing a lot of knowledge will only make the situation worse.
what you should do is to establish a digital information management system. You can use Notion, Evernote, Trello or Google Drive to record and store important information.
once you arrange these tools, you can easily find all the data you need. This will enable you to use your precious brain power for more critical tasks, such as making important decisions.
This is Einstein's most popular sentence, which was first used in an interview in 1929.
In that interview, Einstein explained that he often knew he was right, but he didn't know why. He shared that his intuition told him that one of his assumptions must be correct.
In his book Universe Religion and Other Views and Proverbs, Einstein mentioned his statement as follows.
Many times, we try to be logical and live according to what we should do instead of listening to our inner voice.
however, the fact is that your intuition and imagination can take you where your logic never dares to enter.
How to use it:
Whenever you feel that life is difficult, it is likely that you have complicated things too much
Your intuition and imagination can often lead you to beautiful places, while knowledge and logic may make you feel difficult once you face difficulties.
If you listen to your inner voice and let it guide you through challenging times, life will be much easier.
once faced with a challenge, most people will feel overwhelmed. Once they found the mistake, they began to look for a solution.
however, what we should do is to find the root and cause of the problem and avoid it completely, instead of solving the problem blindly.
If you are willing to change, you can eliminate many daily troubles by changing your thinking and lifestyle.
whenever you feel that your life is difficult and you don't know how to go on, look for the little insecurities and problems you face and try to avoid them.
How to use it:
The next time you encounter a problem, no matter how big or small, ask yourself how to avoid it.
quite often, we will face the same daily problems over and over again. In the long run, looking for their reasons can save you a lot of time and energy.
Although Einstein had a good professional ethics and made contributions to society and modern science in many aspects, he did not forget to have fun and relax. His idea of fun may be different from that of most people, but he knows that relaxing is at least as important as focusing on work.
But the most surprising part of Einstein's formula for success is keeping his mouth shut. Contrary to most people, Einstein didn't feel the urge to be a constant talker.
On the contrary, he prefers to be quiet and doesn't feel the urge to prove himself and show his ideas.
everyone likes to talk, but only a few people like to listen. However, Einstein took advantage of this power, and he preferred to listen to influence others.
Although he has more unique ideas to share than most people, he still chooses to be quiet and let others talk.
How to use it:
Epik Tate has a beautiful proverb:
Great leaders are not known for what they say, but for what they do.
if you want to be remembered and respected, you must listen more than speak.
and whatever you do, don't forget to find a balance between work and play. Only by combining the two can we get proper satisfaction.
although bad things always happen, we have to choose whether to focus on the good or the bad.
Most of the time, life is not a bowl of cherries, but it will definitely be easier if you accept yourself as the creator of reality.
You don't need to be cheerful all the time, but no matter how difficult things are, you can choose to pay attention to the bright side of life.
How to use it:
Whenever we are unhappy, it is either because we are worried about the past or because we are uncertain about the future.
but in fact, we can't influence these. The past has passed and the future is always uncertain.
the only thing you can do is to focus on the present and make full use of every day.
Last thought
Even if you don't need to be the next genius Einstein, you can start thinking like him and become your best self by applying some of his lessons.
Stay with questions longer: curiosity will take you to places more exciting than intelligence.
in order to keep balance, please always keep exercising: many times, exercising is more important than anything else. When you stand where you are, you will lose the opportunity.
don't load your brain with unnecessary information: instead, set up digital information management tools and save your brain power for important decisions.
imagination is more important than knowledge: whatever you do, don't forget to make your imagination a part of the game.
learn to avoid problems: solving problems is good, but rooting out is more effective.
Work, play and keeping your mouth shut will lead you to a beautiful place: learn to balance these three relationships and you will be ahead of most people.
now, you should forget the past and the future: now is the only time that matters.