Mencius said to him, "Yes. People can't, it's not on it. Not the best, not ③; For the people, but not with the people, nor is it. Those who enjoy the people, the people enjoy themselves; People have their worries, and people have their worries. Joy in the world, worry in the world, but not the king, nothing.
"Former Qi Jinggong ④ asked Yan Zi ⑤, saying,' Dance for attachment ⑤, go south with the sea and put it in evil spirits ⑤. What can I do to compare with the concept of the late king? "
Yan Zi said to him, "Ask! The emperor is suitable for the governors to patrol the inauguration ceremony, and the hunters patrol; The courtiers reported to the emperor, and the debriefer described his position. Nothing else. There is not enough plowing in spring, and harvesting in autumn will not help. Xia Yan said, "If my king doesn't swim, why should I rest?"? My king is not prepared (8), how can I help? A trip to Henan is a vassal. " Today is different: the teacher is cooking, the hungry are eating, and the workers are paying interest. See (9) Xu (10) Wei, the people are responsible (1 1). Fang Ming (12) abused the people and ate dissolutely. Wandering and dying, worrying about princes. Forget the flow from the flow, forget the connection from the flow, forget the famine from the dissatisfaction of animals, forget the death from music and wine. My late king had no pleasure in staying, and his trip was ruined. Only what you do. '
Gong Jing said that the Great Ring (13) was in the countryside and stayed in the suburbs. So Shixing made up for the deficiency. Summon the host (14) and say,' Be a pleasure to talk with the monarch and the minister for me!' The same is true for Gai Ba Zhao and Jiao Zhao (15). His poem says:' What is the best for livestock (16)?' Animal king, good king. "