The prime minister of a country broke his promise to the king and tried to recover it. There are many ways to choose from and there is no change. Later, I heard that a fairy in the mountains was very effective and brought many gifts to visit. Unexpectedly, the immortal did not accept the gift, but said, "You should scold me and spit on me." . Sure enough, after he came back, the king's trust in him doubled. After a while, the queen angered the king again because of a small matter. The king was furious and the queen was in danger. She quickly found the prime minister to find a way. The Prime Minister took her to the immortal's abode of fairies. The fairy said, scold me a few words, sprinkle some dirt on me and go back. Sure enough, when he came back, the king was as fond of it as a newlywed. This year, natural and man-made disasters, people are in dire straits, bandits are everywhere, the national politics is in crisis, and the king can't sleep well. The queen and the prime minister accompanied the king to ask the fairy, and the fairy said, just pour that basin of sewage on me. Sure enough, it rained heavily, and the bandits dispersed on their own, making the country peaceful and the people safe. As a result, the story of humiliation in the mountains is well known all over the world. People who go up the mountain to ask for immortals are also flocking to them. They are all familiar "gifts" for asking for immortals, such as punching, kicking, mud and water, bricks and sticks, and overwhelming abuse. I can't stand this humiliation any longer! He roared: you all deserve to die! therefore ...
This case tells us that it is not easy to disturb those who practice high. They practice only to correct and overcome their weaknesses. It is not so much a practice as a difficult self-struggle and suffering. Once they get out of control, we are the first to get hurt.
I remember in my early years, an old woman told me a personal experience. The director of a police station there committed a crime, and his wife asked an expert for advice and sent 3000 yuan as incense money. It really worked. The director was not only put back, but also reinstated. However, the director not only failed to converge, but became more arrogant, calling his wife ignorant and being cheated. I found a few high-ranking people and threatened to get back 3,000 yuan. Before long, even people and cars ran into the ditch, and his wife was crazy. Old people often say that "doctors can cure diseases and save people, but they can't save people's lives." Experts can change a person's affairs, but they can't change your life. If you don't reflect on yourself and change your mentality and behavior, you will turn around and return to the original point. The whole book of changes teaches people nothing more than how to reflect on themselves in the face of adversity!