1. A gentleman is sincere and does not forgive. -Confucius "The Analects of Confucius, Wei Linggong, Fifteenth" in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Confucius said, "A gentleman can stick to the right path instead of paying attention to credit regardless of right and wrong."
2. Keep your word, and do what you want. -Confucius' The Analects of Confucius Zi Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period.
translation: You must stick to your word and do what you say. When we take action, we must be resolute and decisive.
3. Be faithful in your words and respectful in your deeds. -The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Translation: Speak faithfully and keep your word; Act faithfully and courteously. But the loving mother's doting will lead to the black sheep.
4. I visit myself three times a day: Are you unfaithful for others? Make friends without believing them? Can't get used to it. -Confucius "The Analects of Confucius Learning" in the Spring and Autumn Period.
I check myself with three things every day. Is it loyal to do things for others? Is it trustworthy to associate with friends? Have you learned everything the teacher taught you?
5. People who don't trust you don't know what they can do. Why can't a big car run away and a small car run away? -Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period, The Analects of Confucius is the second chapter of politics.
I really don't know what a person should do if he doesn't keep his word. Just as a car has no crotch and a car has no crotch, what does it walk on?