1. Confucius said: Gentlemen are harmonious but not harmonious; villains are harmonious but not harmonious. "The Analects of Confucius·Zilu", interpretation: A gentleman can maintain a harmonious relationship with the people around him, but he must deal with everything through independent thinking of his own brain, never willing to follow others' opinions and blindly agree; but a villain has no independence of his own He only seeks to be completely consistent with others rather than principles, but he cannot maintain harmonious and friendly relationships with others.
2. Confucius said: A gentleman is careful but does not compare with others, while a villain compares with others but is not careful. "The Analects of Confucius: Weizheng" explains: A gentleman treats everyone equally no matter who he interacts with and never forms cliques; a villain always likes to form a small circle with people who are close to him and exclude those who are dissident. Forming parties for personal gain.
3. Confucius said: "A gentleman benefits without any expense, works without resentment, desires without being greedy, is peaceful without being arrogant, and is powerful without being fierce." "The Analects of Confucius·Yao Yue", Confucius said: “A gentleman should give favors to the people without spending money on himself, make the people work without making them resentful, have desires without being greedy, be comfortable without being proud, be majestic without being fierce.