のGATE, ask, ask, ask, ask.
Left or right? Eyes refer to eyes.
That's my pride. I'm divided.
ぃつだってっぐにれれ れLord of speed.
[ 1]
The names of the earth, planets and miracles.
Despair ... (Who has real? ) それ above (they have never seen it)
The crisis exists.
Who will stop, when and where?
You've got speed and above (they've never seen it before).
a man of iron
A rain (just change your form)
Love people (must get rid of)
Go, go, go, go, go.
Fate, のGATE, today, today.
Dead or alive, you are right. You're right.
Those who go first, those who chase after.
That's my pride, the only pride.
Take the road, take the road, the speed of れLord.
24. Time has passed. One day has passed.
Who has a real one? ) pay かない(They've never seen it)
Wait, no, no, no, no.
The fastest (you already have speed) is in the wind (they have never seen it)
Miracle begins, begins, ends, ends.
を(Just change your form.
Love people (must get rid of)
See せなぃことぅならどんなでもれてくる.
(viii) のGATE, ask, ask, ask, ask.
Left or right? Eyes refer to eyes.
That's my pride. I'm divided.
ぃつだってっぐにれれ れLord of speed.
(viii) のGATE, ask, ask, ask, ask.
Left or right? Eyes refer to eyes.
That's my pride. I'm divided.
ぃつだってっぐにれれ れLord of speed.