I think this sentence is more reasonable. Why? Because people's behavior in real life will be restricted by various aspects, for example, some people have a lot of bold ideas but can only think but can't do them because of the constraints of real conditions, so they release them on the network with fewer restrictions; For another example, some things you want to say are hard to say (or because of shyness, lack of courage and other factors), and the internet provides convenience at this time. On this platform, people can speak freely, minimize restrictions, satisfy the venting in people's hearts, and at the same time reveal the other side hidden in their hearts, giving people a feeling like another person, which also forms the difference between the network and reality.
Angle 2: People's network style will change because of the different time of contact with the network.
People understand the accumulation of labor, and their behavior will be skilled with the accumulation of labor. Similarly, people's online behavior will become sophisticated with constant contact, and their style will gradually show their true side, instead of being unfamiliar and unnatural as at first. In this case, those lively and extroverted people in real life will appear passive or reserved when they first come into contact with the network, resulting in the difference between reality and network behavior. Of course, the premise of this situation is that those people are in early contact with the internet, so this situation is relatively rare; On the contrary, in reality, those who are content with the status quo will become sophisticated, active and even boastful after a long period of contact with the internet, and fully show themselves in their hearts. According to my observation, this kind of situation can be seen everywhere in our lives, and those people often make a blockbuster, resulting in a great reality-network contrast. In my opinion, no matter whether there is a great contrast or similarity between reality and online behavior, everyone should always show his true self, show others the truest side of his heart, show his true feelings, publicize his unique personality and be a person with personality. To really understand a person, I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on the internet alone. On the free platform of Internet, it is beautiful and complicated, and it is difficult to distinguish good from evil. It is difficult for you to know him in those gorgeous words or writings, let alone really know a person. Getting along is undoubtedly the best way to understand a person. As a famous saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.