1. Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya. Guan Zhong came from a poor family. He studied hard on his own since he was a child. He was proficient in "poetry" and "calligraphy", understood etiquette, had rich knowledge, and was highly skilled in martial arts. He and his close friend Bao Shuya were the masters of Master Jiu and Master Xiaobai respectively. In the twelfth year of Duke Xiang of Qi (686 BC), the state of Qi was in turmoil. Gongsun Wuwu killed King Xiang of Qi and established himself as king. A year later, Gongsun Wuwu was killed again, leaving Qi without a king for a while. Prince Jiu and Xiaobai, who were on the run, both tried to return to the country as soon as possible to seize the throne. In order to make Jiu the king, Guan Zhong wanted to kill Xiaobai in the middle of an ambush, but his arrow hit Xiaobai's copper belt hook. Xiaobai pretended to be dead, and with the help of Bao Shuya, he returned home first and ascended to the throne. He is the famous Duke Huan of Qi in history. When Duke Huan ascended the throne, he managed to kill Prince Jiu and his enemy Guan Zhong, who had shot him with an arrow. Bao Shuya tried his best to dissuade him, pointing out that Guan Zhong was a genius in the world, and asked Duke Huan to think about the prosperity of Qi, forget the old grudges, and reuse Guan Zhong. Duke Huan accepted the suggestion and took Zhong back to his country. Soon he became the prime minister and presided over political affairs. Guan Zhong was able to display all his talents.