Silence is the most complete contempt. (Back to methuselah Times by Bernard Shaw)
Whoever doesn't understand friendship can't live. (Soviet proverb)
If you want enemies, then surpass others; If you want friends, Let others surpass you. (kolton's Brilliant Words)
Feeding hands are in danger of being bitten. (Emerson's Gift)
The place where the law ends is the beginning. (Locke's theory of government)
Revolution is the locomotive of history. (The French class struggle from Marx to)
People who compliment face to face will be slandered behind their backs. (Fuller's wise words)
The heaviest stone thrown by the devil is the nickname. (Khazri's essay: nickname)
The highest heroic spirit that a person or a country can achieve is to know how to face ridicule. (unamuno's tragic consciousness of life)
Rats always have tails, and women always gossip. (Maxim of G Burgess methuselah)
It doesn't matter if you blush, nor if you are black-hearted. (Portuguese proverb)
Those who try to live alone will not enjoy life. If they don't respond to another heart, their heart will wither. If they only hear the echo of their own thoughts, Without other inspiration, his thoughts will wither. (Pearl Buck's Love My Daughter)
We often forgive those who annoy us, but we will forgive those we hate. (Larochefoucauld's aphorisms)
The most popular music is intimate words. (Emerson's The Way of Life)