"Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors" means that a moral person will not be lonely, and there must be like-minded people to accompany him. From Confucius' The Analects of Confucius: Confucius said: "Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors."
Confucius said: "A moral person will not be isolated, and there will be people who share his thoughts."
Appreciation: "Virtue" in "Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors" exists in a comparative and moral way. Otherwise, without comparison and immorality, how can we talk about morality? De, repeatable. If it is not benign, it cannot be repeated and needs to be corrected. Just as seedlings need to be cared for and grass needs to be pulled up.
The Analects of Confucius is the fourth article of The Analects of Confucius, which contains several important categories, principles and theories of Confucianism and has a great influence on later generations. Also known as "Shang". The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of Confucianism and a collection of recorded essays, which mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in the form of quotations and dialogues, and embodies Confucius' political, aesthetic, moral and utilitarian values. The Analects of Confucius covers politics, education, literature, philosophy and ways of living.
Confucius (55 1-479), formerly known as Zhong Ni, was born in the Spring and Autumn Period (now Qufu, Shandong). The founder of Confucianism, the most famous thinker, politician and educator in ancient China, had a far-reaching influence on the development of China's ideology and culture.