I am the swarm. Queen of Blades Kerrigan. No one's fate is as tightly intertwined with humans, protoss, and zerg as Kerrigan. Her powerful psychic abilities, unparalleled courage, sharp tactical instincts, and lethal training in both melee and ballistic weapons allowed Kerrigan to quickly rise through the ranks of the Federation's Ghost program.
The power of darkness made her succumb to the Zerg Overlord, but her unique courage and tenacity as a ghost and her actions against the Federation made her eventually become the leader of the alien race. Now, she has at her disposal countless armies of the Swarm, monsters ready to wipe out all humans on the Koprulu Sector. The entire StarCraft 2 is actually a biography of the Queen of Blades. Revenge, revenge, revenge, this is the life of Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades.
I am the great catastrophe. Deathwing Neltharion, Neltharion is the king of the black dragons. He was once one of the Aspect Dragons and the guardian of the earth. He once transformed into a human in the outer realm and appeared as Lord Prestor. Powerful, calm, wise and cunning, Neltharion was driven mad by the ancient god N'Zoth during a fierce battle against the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients. But he still maintained his thoughts, and like Sargeras, he chose the path to darkness, gave himself a new name: Deathwing, and declared war on all races except the black dragon.
The story of World of Warcraft is too huge and majestic, but the core of most stories is two words: betrayal and redemption. When the old guardian of the earth and the king of dragons turned his back on the light and turned to darkness, it was destined to be an irreparable tragedy. Just like the thin line between darkness and light, if you don't pay attention, you will be in a place of eternal disaster.
Everything is empty, everything is allowed. Assassins, the Assassin Order or the Assassin Brotherhood, are a secret organization in the "Assassin's Creed" series that have existed since ancient times and believe in freedom. And therefore became enemies of the Templars who believed in order. Throughout the entire recorded history of mankind, they have been engaged in a continuous secret war with the Templars. Fighting for freedom means that assassins are inherently incompatible with powerful forces. In order to achieve their goals, they will do anything. They have no national will in their hearts, but only a consistent creed.