This sentence comes from Mencius' Wealth Can't Be Prostituted, and the full text is:
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi loyal men? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; When the woman got married, she was sent to the door by her mother, and was warned:' When you go to your daughter's house, you must be respectful and restrained, without violating your master's intention!' He who takes obedience as the right path is also a concubine. Live in a vast place in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best self in the world. Success, with the people; Go your own way when you are frustrated. Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi really ambitious, accomplished and honest people? When they are angry, even the prince is afraid. If they live in peace, the world will be peaceful. "
Mencius said: where can this be regarded as an ambitious and accomplished person? Haven't you learned manners? When a man is crowned, his father gives discipline; When the woman got married, her mother gave her instructions, sent her to the door, and warned her: When you come to your husband's house, you must be respectful and careful, and don't be against your husband!
Surrender is the way of a concubine. Live in the widest house in the world, stand in the most correct position in the world and walk on the widest road in the world. When we can realize our ideals, we will follow this correct path with the people; When you can't realize your ideal, you walk alone on this right path. Wealth cannot confuse his thoughts, poverty cannot shake his integrity, and power cannot bend his will. This is called a gentleman with ambition and achievement.
Appreciation of articles
Mencius only used "courtesy" to explain a woman's mother's instructions when she got married, and thus concluded that "those who take obedience as the right path are also concubines." What deserves our attention here is that the ancients thought that a wife's way was like a minister's way. Of course, I should obey you, but the principle of obedience is justice. If you are unfair, I will protest.
The same is true of a wife to her husband. Of course, a wife should obey her husband. However, if her husband did, she should persuade him to correct it. It should be "harmony but difference". Mencius believes that this "concubine's way" can not be generally understood as a woman's way, but actually a "little wife's way", and only Confucianism's benevolence and courtesy is the "gentleman's way".