Honesty is the foundation of a person.
Ji Bu was a native of Chu State in the late Qin Dynasty. When he was young, he liked to make friends. He was loyal and trustworthy. If he promises others everything, he will try his best to do it. Lu Bu's quality of keeping his word won him a reputation among his peers. Later, his reputation became more and more famous, and even many rangers in the north knew it, so that there was a saying among the people: "It is better to get a hundred pounds of gold than to keep a promise."
Politics should win the trust of the people.
Shang Yang is the phase of Qin Xiaogong and wants to be a new law. Qin Xiaogong was worried and hesitant. Shang Yang finally persuaded Qin Xiaogong to carry out political reform and promulgated new laws. In order to win the trust of the people, Shang Yang set up a three-pillar tree at the south gate of the country, recruited people who could move the tree to the north gate, and gave 10 gold. People are surprised at this practice, and no one dares to touch this piece of wood. Then, Shang Yang informed the people that whoever could move would be given 50 gold. A brave man finally moved this piece of wood, and Shang Yang immediately gave him 50 gold to show his integrity. This fact of winning the trust of the people finally convinced the people that the new law was credible, thus implementing the new law.
Xu Beihong refused to draw Chiang Kai-shek.
1935, the famous painter Xu Beihong just returned from Paris, and Chiang Kai-shek specially sent Zhang Daofan to ask Xu Beihong to draw a bust for him. Although Zhang Daofan said many nice things, they were all rejected by Xu Beihong. Xu Beihong said, "I'm a painter and I'm not interested in your season manager." You'd better hire someone else! "Zhang Daofan was very surprised and said," you are not interested in the chairman. What are you interested in? " Xu Beihong smiled coldly and said, "I am interested in people." Zhang Daofan said, "So you certainly don't want to draw generalissimo?" Xu Beihong said, "Yes, it is. "Zhang Daofan is very anxious." Mr Xu, you are a talented artist. I advise you not to do such a stupid thing, lest you regret it. "Xu Beihong glanced at Zhang Daofan and said," I will never regret it. "
Qi Baishi angrily rejected the demands of the Japanese invaders.
Qi Baishi has been teaching in Beiping Art College for 40 years. Because of Qi Baishi's achievements in calligraphy and painting, many people are proud to get a picture of his calligraphy and painting. After the Lugouqiao Incident, the local Japanese defenders and traitors were also arty and slowly asked the old man for calligraphy and painting, but they were rejected. Later, in order to get rid of these people's entanglement, Qi Baishi resigned as a professor in a rage, closed the door to thank guests, and posted a note on the door, showing his noble national integrity.
I would rather die than obey the enemy's orders.
During the Anti-Japanese War, one day, the Japanese secret service ordered the Peiping Liyuan Public Welfare Association to come forward and organize a benefit performance in which Peking Opera donated planes. Cheng Yan, a famous Peking Opera performance artist, immediately refused: "I can't sing a volunteer play for the Japanese and ask them to buy a plane to bomb the China people."
People at the charity are very scared: "If you resolutely refuse Mr. Cheng's position in the drama industry, it will be a trivial matter for your colleagues to be affected, and I am afraid it will be even worse for you!"
"I do things myself, and I must not let everyone get involved.