Meng Mu attached great importance to Mencius' education. Besides sending him to school, he is also urged to study. One day, Mencius played truant from his teacher Zisi and went home. Meng Mu is knitting. He was very angry when he saw Mencius playing truant. He picked up a pair of scissors and cut cloth on the loom. Mencius was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and asked why. Meng Mu scolded him and said, "You read like I knit. Weaving should be connected one inch by one thread, then one foot by one foot, and then one foot by one horse. It's not useful until it's finished. Knowledge must also be accumulated day and night. If you are lazy, don't study hard and give up halfway, it will become useless like this cut cloth. "
Mencius was deeply ashamed of his mother's teaching. From then on, he devoted himself to study, studied hard, practiced the teachings of saints, and finally became a generation of great scholars, known as "Asian saints" by later generations.