How was Polonarev saved?
Polunarev was cured after being salted by her husband. PorunnSnorradóttir is a Viking female warrior in history. She took part in many battles in the 9th century and lost her left eye in one of them. It is said that the story that she was finally "saved" is like this: in a battle, Polonalev was hit in the head by the enemy, and the injury was very serious, even thought to be dead. According to legend, her husband Asgard buried her in the basement according to the Viking custom at that time, and sprinkled salt on her to protect her body from decay. However, after a while, local herdsmen smelled a strange smell and then found the basement where Polunalev was buried. They opened the door of the basement and found that Polunarev was still alive, although she had lost her sight and language ability.