Original text:
Attack Mo, Yucheng attack Gong and Shun Di apply for World Heritage. He wrote Dayu, Hao Tao Mo and the Book of Were Han.
It is said that looking back at the ancient Dayu, it was applicable to all the countries in his life and only to the emperor. He said: "After the difficulties, I can overcome them. The government is the best and the people are the best."
The emperor said, "Yu! Rong Ruozi, Jia Yan is vain, and he is in the wild, and Wanbang Xianning. Take it from the public, sacrifice yourself and follow others, sue without abuse, and not abolish poverty, but the emperor. "
Yi said, "Du, Dide is very lucky, while saints are gods and peace. The emperor was born, and the four seas are the kings of the world. "
Yu said: "Hui Diji, from the intense, and far-reaching impact."
Yi said, "Whew! Ring! If you are careful, you will lose your law. Wandering in leisure, wasting in pleasure. Ren Xian, don't be paranoid. If you doubt your plan, you will not succeed. Ignore the way to fuck the reputation of the people and ignore the people's desire to follow themselves. No shortage, four foreigners will be king. "
Yu said, "Yu! The emperor saw it! Virtue is only good governance, and politics is to support the people. Water, fire, gold, wood, earth and valley are only repaired; Morality, utility, kindness and harmony. Nine achievements are just narratives, and nine narratives are just songs. Take a break, Dong Zhi advised him not to be bad with nine songs. "
The emperor said, "Yu! The land is flat and natural, and the six governments and three things are ruled. It will last forever, and time is merit. "
The emperor said, "Ge, you are gone! I have lived on the throne for 30 years, and I am tired of diligence. Not lazy, always a teacher. "
Yu said: "I am a fool, but the people are not." Hao Tao cultivated virtue, but virtue has fallen, and CoCo Lee is pregnant with virtue. The emperor saw it! Read here, explain here, say here, allow here, but the emperor reads merit. "
The emperor said, "Hao Tao is a humble minister who failed or did the right thing. As a scholar, you know that five punishments teach five religions. Looking forward to the rule, the punishment is not punished, and the ADPL is in the middle, which is merit. "
Hao Tao said, "The emperor was negligent, but his face was simple and his orders were lenient. Punish Buddha and heir, and reward the world. There is no big mistake, and there is no small punishment; The sin is too light, and the merit is too heavy; It is better to kill if you lose; The virtue of being good at life, obeying the people's hearts, using it without committing it. "
The emperor said, "I will rule by what I want, and the wind will rest in all directions."
The emperor said, "Come, Yu! This rain is a warning to you, and you are the only one who can succeed. Be thrifty in the country, frugal at home, not complacent, and virtuous. If you don't care, the world won't compete with you. If you don't cut, the world won't compete with you. It is a virtue for you and a feat for you. Days after you bow, you are finally behind Yuan. People's hearts are only in danger, and their hearts are only weak, but they are unique and tolerant. Don't listen to nonsense, ask for advice. Cute or not handsome? Awesome nonhuman? After all, it's not yuan, so why wear it? After the non-public, useless and protect the family? Qin zai! God has a position, so it is desirable to respect him. The four seas are poor, and there is always an end to the road. However, my mouth is so prosperous that I won't say much. "
Yu said, "Meibu is a hero, and Ji Zhi is a follower."
The emperor said, "Yu! Official accounts only cover Zhixian, and Kun lives in Yuangui. I'll settle down first, seek common ground while reserving differences, ghosts and gods will follow, turtles will follow, but I don't learn good luck. " I bowed my head and made a solid speech.
The emperor said, "No! Only you are harmonious. "
In the first month, he was ordered by Zongshen to lead a hundred officials to see the emperor.
The emperor said, "Counselor, Yu! Only when there is a seedling rate can it be levied. "
After Yu Naihui's group, he swore to the teacher; "Get together, salty listen to my life. Stupid, unconscious, disrespectful, insulting self-virtue, anti-morality, wild gentleman, dirty dog, people abandoning insurance, blaming the people. You are still a heart, and you have great honor. "
At the end of March, the Miao people disobeyed their orders. Yi Zan said to Yu Yu, "Only virtue can move the sky, and there is no future. All bets are off, modest gains, and time is heaven. At the beginning of Lishan, the emperor went to the field and cried all day, sinning his parents. Just look at Gu Sou and Cui Zhaili, and I will allow it. I feel the truth, I have a young child. "
Yu Baichang said, "Yu!" The class teacher vibrated the brigade. Emperor gave birth to Fu Wende, dancing and feathering in two steps, and seventy had Miao lattice.