When Qing Zizai’s father told Wen Zang that the Tibetan cultivator should not look at people, Wen Zhi guessed that it was Yuzi, and heard that the Tibetan cultivator should have appeared a long time ago. Wen Wen went to find Xiaotian and told About him. But the secret of Yuzu’s eyes was not mentioned in the upper part. The reason why Xiaotian didn't press the badge on his arm at the end was because he wanted to know the secret from 15 years ago, which means that everything will be resolved in the sequel.
Based on the first part, we can actually roughly guess the content of the sequel: Xiaotian knew the secret from 15 years ago, and five pairs of armors and three cultivators opened the secret of the Demon Suppression Tower (the three cultivators all have items from their own families), All three armors have been upgraded, Shura armor will appear. As for the Bawang Group and the three good captains, I don’t know what will happen. Anyway, some important events are in the sequel