They said I was ugly. That's because I molested Chang 'e, the first beauty in the sky, and was punished for being born by mistake (it was involuntary), with ears as big as two heads; The big nose grows in the middle of the face; A pile of fat on the cheek narrows the eyes, at most only the size of marbles; Round figure and a big belly. I have a long mouth and big ears, and I am the most distinctive of the four disciples. I once said a famous saying: "A thick willow dustpan and a thin willow bucket make everyone ugly." Talented!
They call me lazy. Delicious and sleepy, but it's nature. Cattle plow fields, horse-drawn carts and monkeys play in the street. My old pig was born lucky and used to live with his mouth open. Call me an idiot. Like begging, monkeys always do it, and I enjoy what he wants the most. If I am allowed to go once in a while, I will find a place to sleep. My old pig is Marshal Peng, born in a noble family. How can he do such a humble and humiliating thing?
They call me "pig incompetence". On the way to the west, it is an unprecedented dangerous journey, with all kinds of monsters and tricks. It was steamed by accident. Therefore, this kind of life-threatening activity is better than "incompetence" if it can be avoided or avoided if it can be avoided. I remember that the tip-off was a little too much. Master drove the monkey away. On the way, Master was fished away by the devil again. In order to avoid danger, I staged a drama "Pig and Eight Rings Awaken the Monkey King". When I arrived at Huaguoshan, I casually made up a jingle: "What monkey, I am afraid of him? If he comes, I will skin him, pull his tendons, chew his bones and eat his heart! Spare him the monkey's thinness, and I'll chop him up and burn him in the oil pan! " . The monkey got the nerve to come back. "Those who work hard rule people, and those who work hard rule people." Who is incompetent?
After more than ten years of hard work, I finally arrived at Lingshan. I was blocked, indicating that my old pig is a man of great wisdom! Aren't you a brave monkey, sealing a Buddha or "anti-Buddha" Bajie? I was sealed as a "clean altar messenger" and enjoyed all the delicious food on earth. Even the Buddha said it was a beautiful job!
Who dares to say that I am not a wise man? !