I can also take this arbitrary metaphor from the last paragraph. From the Bible, we can see that this "all-knowing and all-powerful" God is not all-knowing and all-powerful. "All-knowing and all-powerful" is just a flattering word, and God will be afraid. The Bible clearly says: "God said that the man is similar to us. The Bible also says, "The woman said to the snake,' We can eat from the tree in the garden.' But God once said,' You shall not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden or touch it, lest you die. The snake said to the woman, "You don't have to die, because God knows that on the day you eat, your eyes will be opened, and you will know good and evil like God." However, people didn't die because they ate the fruit, so it can be seen that the sign from God was mixed with lies from the beginning, but the snake seemed quite honest. Why would God lie to his subjects? Just afraid of their ability to grow, "similar" to him. The Bible also wrote: "God came to see the cities and towers built by the world. God said, "Look, they have become one people, all speaking the same language. Now that they have done this, nothing they will do in the future will fail.". Let's go down and confuse their accents there, so that their speech cannot be understood. " Here, God once again reveals his fear that his subjects will become too powerful, so he must use the rule of "divide and rule" to deal with them. Therefore, it is not so much that God created man in his own image as that man created God in his own image, and God was made according to worldly desires, the emperor of the world. Of course, theologians must have another "mystery metaphor" explanation for these stories. I don't know what they are. I don't think it is necessarily more credible than my explanation. As mentioned above, theologians can't realize their stupidity. They will never stop using their clumsy and far-fetched explanations to make things difficult for God. If God really exists, they will probably be so angry with these stupid words imposed on him that they will be hit by lightning.
Why do I like to watch Christians apologise?
I can always appreciate those mysterious metaphors.
I can appreciate those words that make things difficult for God.
That is one of the reasons.