So the three men rode horses and led their followers to Longzhong. Half a mile away, Liu Bei dismounted and walked. When he met Zhuge Jun, Liu Bei saluted and asked, "Is your brother in the village?" They all said, "I just came back last night. The general can meet him today. " Then he drifted away. Liu Bei said, "How lucky I am to see you this time!" Zhang Fei said, "This man is rude! I might as well wait until the village, but why should I go by myself? " Liu Bei said, "Each does his own thing, so why is it strong?" Three people came to the village and knocked at the door. The boy opened the door and asked questions. Liu Bei said, "Thank you, Fairy Boy, for coming to report that Liu Bei came to see you." The boy said, "Although Mr. Wang is at home today, he is still awake in the thatched cottage." Liu Bei said, "In that case, don't publish it." Separate the guard from Zhang and wait at the door. Liu Bei came in and saw Mr. Liu lying on his back on several seats in the thatched cottage. Xuande arched down the steps. For a long time, my husband didn't wake up Guan and Zhang stood outside for a long time, but nothing happened. When they met Liu Bei, they stood still. Zhang Fei was furious and said to Yun Chang, "How arrogant this gentleman is! I saw my brother standing on the steps, lying so high that I couldn't sleep! When I go to the back of the house, set a fire and see if he can afford it! " Cloud long repeatedly advised to live. Liu Bei still ordered them to wait outside. Looking at the class, I saw Mr. Wang turn over, get up and suddenly fall asleep against the inner wall. That boy wants to report it. Liu Bei said, "Don't disturb." After standing for another hour, Kong Ming woke up and recited a poem, saying, "Who wakes up first in a big dream? I have known for a lifetime that the thatched cottage is full of spring sleep and the sun is late outside the window. " Kong Ming sang, turned over and asked the boy, "Are there any vulgar guests coming?" The boy said, "Liu Huangshu has been here for a long time." Zhuge Liang got up and said, "Why don't you do the morning paper? Shang Rong changed his clothes. " Then move to the backyard. After a long time, I just got dressed and rushed out.
2. Good words and sentences of three visits to the thatched cottage title: "Three visits to the thatched cottage"
Good words: sparse, gurgling, green, respectful and enlightened.
Good sentences: The pine forests in the first few posts are sparse, the gurgling streams are crystal clear, the dense bamboo forests are green and dripping, and the scenery is beautiful and suitable for human habitation.
Feelings: After reading this article, I feel that Liu Bei has not always respected Ge Liang. Liu Bei has been sincerely invited to help out for the third time.
Self-unification is the great cause of China.
Title: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Title: "Three Visits to the Cottage"
Content: Liu Bei, who has lived under the protection of others for a long time, has been running around. Under his strong thought of reviving the Han Dynasty, Xu Shu led him to visit Zhuge Liang three times in Nanyang-Longzhong-Wollongong. Finally, Zhuge Liang was moved by Liu Bei's sincerity and agreed to go out.
Good words: the north wind roared, the snow fell like thunder, I overreached, and I was full of tears and begged.
Revelation: If you are sincere, the stone will open.
3. Three Ancient Maolu Notes "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
First, why did "three visits" lead to "thatched cottage"? "In AD 20 1 year, Zhuge Liang was 2 1 year old when Liu Bei defected to Liu Biao; In 207 AD, Zhuge Liang was 27 years old when Liu Bei inspected the thatched cottage. It's been six years. Have they met?
Once encountered. Legend has it that Zhuge Liang once recommended himself to Liu Bei's home. However, either Zhuge's knowledge was too shallow to succeed, or Zhang Guan and Liu Bei were mutually exclusive, or Liu Bei was "blind and ignorant of Mount Tai", so the relationship of "fish and water" was not formed earlier.
2。 Never met. Until "three visits to the thatched cottage".
* Why did Zhuge Fang become a "rookie" after "three visits to the cottage"? 1。 Zhuge raised himself to attract Liu Bei's attention.
2。 Learn from Jiang Taigong, "Where there is a will, there is a way".
Zhuge Liang needs six years to see if Liu Bei is worthy of his "dedication".
4。 Xunzi said, "Gentlemen are born different, but good at personal leave." Zhuge Liang is good at cheating on "people": his master, Mr. Shui Jing, once told Liu Bei that Long Fu and Xiao Feng can win the world; His friend Yuan Zhi also said to Liu Bei, "Compare it to a certain one, and compare it to a couple, Western jackdaw in the West." . With the preparation of these two people, it is difficult for Liu Bei to pay attention to him.
4. Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the first chapter, good words, good sentences and good paragraphs, extracted from Daquan, kill two birds with one stone, lend a helping hand, treat each other friendly, write a poem in seven steps, manage the thatched cottage, and write a chapter. Sure enough.
Irresponsible, unintelligible, not neglect, take advantage, all the five internal organs burn, life is like sending, people smell, equality.
I am a very important person, a traitor, I have stopped, I have been rude. Will be together for a long time, will be apart for a long time, will be rookie, will look at each other.
In the critical autumn, Si Mazhao's heart is well known, and the contract is consistent. Usha Amon, one thousand dollars.
The weapon of the Langsi, a man of great talent, never puts books, and is close at hand, exploring the bag and taking things, fully convinced, and the danger of the day is clear.
There are only a handful of stars under the moon, like entering nobody's land, like a duck to water, belittling myself, living alone and singing songs about wine.
Excerpts from good sentences:
1, don't expect to be born on the same day in the same year, but die on the same day in the same year.
2. A gentleman who lives in the world can't make meritorious deeds, and how many of them rot with the vegetation?
3, the gentleman was born in troubled times, when the world with a three-foot sword.
4, a gentleman is willing to fight to death, how can he enter the wall and look forward to life.
5, but there are beheaded generals, no generals.
6. My brother, Zhang Yide, took the general's head in a million-man army, like a bag.
7. I am Zhang Yide from Yan! Who dares to fight to the death with me?
8. As a person, I am generous and successful!
9. Everything is ready except the east wind.
Have a baby like Sun Zhongmou! Such as Liu Jingsheng and his son, dolphin and dog ears.
1 1. Do you think my sword is bad? Your sword is sharp and mine is not bad.
12, the strong have their own hands, cheating is always cheating people.
13, I would rather teach me to be negative to the whole world than to teach the whole world to be negative to me.
14, the dragon can be big or small, and it can be raised or hidden; It's cloudy and foggy when it's big, and it's hidden when it's small; Rise and fly in the universe, hide and lurk in the waves. This spring, the dragon changes at any time, and the Jews have a successful career and traveled all over the world. The dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero in the world.
15, what I will never forget is a sentence by Jiang Wei: life is like a blink of an eye!
16, good birds choose wood and sacrifice, and good ministers choose the Lord.
17, be lenient with others, be gentle with others, and be invincible.
18, try your best and die.
19, the hero of today's world, but the monarch and Cao Er!
20. If you are not indifferent, you will have no ambition, and if you are not quiet, you will be far away.
2 1, for a long time, for a long time.
22, the phoenix flies thousands of miles away, not embarrassed; Master is on one side, not the Lord. I am willing to work hard in Longmu, I love my house; I am proud of the piano book and wait for the weather.
23. My opinion of Yan Liang is like selling the first ear.
24. There is another wren, and the sly rabbit has hidden three holes.
25, chicken ribs, eat no meat, abandon it.
26. The ancients chose talents and appointed talents.
27. attack the heart for the top and attack the city for the bottom; Psychological warfare is the best, military warfare is the best.
28. It is not a hero to do great things and cherish your health and forget your life when you see small profits.
29, the father's essence and mother's blood, can not be abandoned.
30. Heroes have ambition, good strategies, the opportunity to hide the universe and swallow the ambition of heaven and earth.
3 1, I showed my parents' shapes to my innocent body and ears.
32. The husband has made great contributions to his life, and so has he. Comfort my life, I will be drunk, I will be drunk.
33. Go forward without fear of death, and a strong man will never die.
34. Heroes are ambitious, have good thoughts in their bellies, and have the opportunity to hide the universe and breathe in the ambition of heaven and earth.
36, don't do it with evil, don't do it with good.
37. The nod in my hand is not old!
38. A minister who can rule the world is a traitor in troubled times.
39. Zilong is full of courage!
5. "Three Visits to the Maolu" is also called "Three Visits to the Maolu". What are the famous sentences in the biography of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi and Zhuge Liang? At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Bei, a general of the Han Dynasty, visited Zhuge Liang in the Caotang. Their conversation was called "Caotang Pair" (a strategic decision to divide the world into three parts).
Gu: [1] visit; A thatched cottage. It turned out to be the story of Liu Bei visiting Zhuge Liang in Wollongong at the end of the Han Dynasty.
Metaphor is sincere and invited again and again. From the winter of 207 to the spring of 208, Liu Bei, who was stationed in Xinye (now Xinye, Henan Province), and his generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went to Longzhong, Dengxian County, Nanyang County (now Xiangyang Longzhong) three times to ask Zhuge Liang to come out to assist.
Since then, it has become a much-told story, gradually becoming an allusion, and it contains "The History of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi, Zhuge Liang Chuan, One Model". Now it is often used to express sincerity and repeatedly invite and visit sages with expertise.