2. reflect. No reflection, no growth. Kong Wenzi "think twice before you act." Ceng Zi said, "I save myself three times a day." Mencius said, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." Hegel used "Minerva's owl" to describe philosophical reflection. Reflection makes people know themselves, standardize themselves, correct themselves and improve themselves. The proverb of the temple of Delphi in ancient Greece said that "knowing yourself" was regarded by Socrates as the greatest wisdom in life. How can you know yourself without reflection? In a sense, to know yourself is to reflect on yourself. Without reflection, there is no self.
3. Suffer hardships. Suffering is a blessing, especially as a person. Mencius said: Born of worry, suffering from dysentery, suffering from its mind and straining its bones and muscles. It can really be used as the motto of mankind. Suffering hardship is a kind of ability, which is transformed into the help of doing things in the future. Japanese students walk in the snow in winter and the flaming mountain in summer. Canadian students camp under the snow-capped mountains. How much pain and suffering a person can face, how thick and charming his life is. Without suffering, there will be no will. Wei Shusheng tells students how to hone your will: "Find something bitter to do. When you are the most bitter and tired, you can't hold on any longer. Bite your teeth and work hard to get a little will. If you make so much effort, your will will gradually strengthen. " Heroes are persistent, and people with lofty ideals are painstaking. Hard work pays off. People who have experienced many hardships and know many things, let their children take the initiative to suffer hardships, that is, they really love their children and make long-term plans. This is the taste of true love.
4. independence. Cultivate children's independence of doing things independently, thinking independently, not relying on, and not relying on, and children will benefit for life. Chen Yinque said: "Independent thinking, free spirit." Thought has no independence and is Nuo Nuo's slave; The economy has no independence and is a servant who obeys others. People should stand up, think with their heads, stand firm with their feet, and be supported by two hard bones in the middle to be a person who stands up.
5. insist. It is impossible to accomplish anything without persistence. Persistence is man's divinity. one half