1. Meng’s mother did not deceive her son
It talks about the moral education that Meng’s mother gave Mencius to be honest and not deceive.
When Mencius was a child, he saw his neighbor killing a pig. Mencius asked his mother, "Why is the neighbor killing a pig?" Mencius's mother said, "I want to give it to you." Immediately, the mother regretted saying this and said to herself: "When I was pregnant with this child, I was sitting at the table. I won’t sit if it’s not laid out properly, and I won’t eat if it’s not cut properly. This is prenatal education.
Now that the child has just gained intelligence, I will deceive him to teach him to be dishonest.” So Mencius’ mother said. She bought the neighbor's pork for him to eat to prove that she had not deceived Mencius.
2. Serve the country with loyalty
During the Southern Song Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Jin soldiers continued to harass the border and prepared to attack the Song Dynasty southward. Yue Fei, who was in his hometown in Henan, heard the news and immediately I packed my things and prepared to join the army. The night before she left, her mother-in-law tattooed the words "Serve the Country with Loyalty" on Yue Fei's back, hoping that he would do the same.
3. "Broken Weaving to Encourage Learning"
Selected from "Book of the Later Han·Biography of Women".
The wife of Leyangzi from Henan County is the daughter of an unknown family.
While walking on the road, Le Yangzi once picked up a piece of gold cake that was lost by someone else. He took it home and gave the gold to his wife.
The wife said: "I heard that ambitious people will not drink the water from the 'stealing spring', and honest and upright people will not accept food given by others in an arrogant and insulting manner, let alone picking up other people's lost property and seeking personal gain. Come and tarnish your own moral character!" After hearing this, Yangzi was very ashamed, threw the gold into the wild, and then went away to study as a teacher.
A year later, when Le Yangzi returned home, his wife knelt down and asked him why he came back. Yangzi said: "I have been traveling for a long time. I miss my family and have nothing special to do." After hearing this, his wife picked up the knife and walked quickly to the loom and said: "These silk fabrics are all born from silkworm cocoons, and It is woven on a loom. Only when the silk is accumulated one by one can it become one inch long.
If you cut the silk fabrics being woven now, it will be one inch long. If you want to accumulate knowledge, you should "learn what you don't understand every day" and use it to achieve your own virtue; if you come back midway, there will be no danger of cutting off the silk fabric. What's the difference?" Yangzi was moved by his wife's words and went back to complete his studies.
4. Birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups
Source: Liu Xiang's "Warring States Policy·Qi Ce III".
Vernacular translation: Similar things often gather together, like-minded people gather in groups, otherwise they separate
5. When three people are walking together, there must be someone who is my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
Source: "The Analects of Confucius·Shuer" by Confucius
Vernacular translation: There must be something worth learning from other people's words and deeds. Choose what others have learned from, see the shortcomings of others, reflect on whether you have the same shortcomings, and if so, correct them.
Isn't education a bucket full of water? But making a fire.
William Butler Yeats? 1865? 6? 13? - 1939? 1? 2820
1923? 12?