Wonderful color king seeks the law;
Buddha said: love leads to trouble, love leads to fear, and there is no trouble and fear without love. Kaya: How can you leave your lover? Buddha said: there is no me, no one, no sentient beings, no immortality, and you are separated from your lover. Kaya: Buddha, life is eight hardships: birth, old age, illness, death, action, love and separation, ambition, resentment and hate. How to achieve no self, no phase, no desire and no desire? Buddha said: Love parting, resentment, giving up and going to the west are all classes. It's just an empty eye, an illusion. Kaya: I respect Yi, but I do nothing in my career. Buddha said: if you plant as a cause, if you receive, everything is created by your mind. Kaya: How can the world achieve it? Buddha said: meditation, meditation. A flower is the world and a leaf is the Buddha. In spring, flowers are green, and in autumn, leaves fall. Infinite prajnaparamita is free, and words are silent and natural. Kaya: Every industry has its own stage, which confuses people. How's it going? Buddha said: life is made by oneself, and life is born by heart. Everything in the world changes, the heart does not move, everything does not move, the heart does not change, and everything does not change.