If the emperor is unkind, he will not protect the world; if the princes are unkind, he will not protect the country; if the ministers and officials are unkind, they will not protect the ancestral temple; if the common people are unkind, they will not protect the four bodies.
If the king is benevolent, he will not protect the country. The world is invincible.
Only a benevolent person should be in a high position. Being unkind and in a high position will spread evil to everyone.
A benevolent person is invincible.
Your Majesty is benevolent, Never be unkind; be righteous, never be unjust; be upright, never be unrighteous.
Benevolence brings honor, unkindness brings disgrace.
Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. ; You cannot have both, and you are the one who sacrifices your life for righteousness.
Those who have gained the right will be helped many times, while those who have lost the right will have few.
Killing someone without sin is not benevolent, it is not the right thing to do. It is unjust to take what you have.