Young people, love and respect ideals. Ideal is the language of God. Above all countries and all mankind, it is the kingdom of spirit and the' hometown' of the soul. Italian politicians Ma Zhini
between the east and the west, Betweenthemotionandtheact the act, and Fallstheshadow. ThomasstearnsEliot, BritishPoetandcritic
There is always a shadow between ideal and reality, between motivation and behavior. Eliot, English poet and critic
Awell-Writenlife eisalmostasrareasawell-Spentone. ThomasCarlyle, Britishhistorianandessayist
There are almost as few well-written lives as well-lived ones. Thomas Carlyle, British historian and essayist.
Abeautifulformisbetterthanabeautifulface; abeautifulbehaviorthanabeautifulform。 RalphWaldoEmerson。 Americanthinker
A beautiful figure is better than a beautiful face; Beautiful behavior is better than beautiful figure. American thinker Emerson. Absencetoloveiswhatwindistofire。 ltextinguishesthesmall; itinflamesthegreat。 RogerdeBussy—Rabutin, Frenchwriter
Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It can put out a small fire and make a big one burn. French writer Bissy Rabidan.
a person who doesn't know how to love will never know how to love, because only when there is no me at all can he reach the realm of love. Indian-born religious philosopher Krishnamur.
EverymanisapoetwhenheisinlovePlato。 AncientCreekphilosopher
Everyone in love is a poet. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato
Amanisonlyasgoodaswhatheloves. SaulBellow, Americanwriter
A person should measure his character by what he loves. American writer Bello.
Friendshipislikeearthenware:oncebroken,itcanbemended; loveislikeamirror:oncebroken,thatendsit。 JoshBillings。 American humor
Friendship is like pottery, once broken, it can be mended; Love is like a mirror, once broken, it is difficult to reunite. Billings, American humorist.
Friendshipislovewithouthiswings。 GeorgeGordonByron, Bdritishpoet
Friendship is love without wings. Byron, English poet.