As a husband and a gentleman, you should cultivate your character with tranquility and cultivate your virtue with frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal. Learning requires tranquility, and talent requires learning. Without learning, there is no way to expand talents, and without ambition, there is no way to achieve learning. If you are arrogant and slow, you will not be able to stimulate your essence, and if you are dangerous and impetuous, you will not be able to cultivate your nature. Years go with the times, thoughts go with the sun, and they become withered and withered. Many people do not take on the world, and they stay in the poor house with sadness. How will they be able to get back to you! ——Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments"
Quietness cultivates one's character, frugality cultivates virtue. ——Zhuge Liang
I know people’s nature, and it’s not difficult to detect it. There are different kinds of beauty and evil, with different emotions and appearances. There are those who are gentle but deceitful, those who are respectful on the outside but deceive on the inside, those who are brave on the outside but timid on the inside, and those who try their best but are unfaithful. However, there are seven ways to know people: the first is to ask people what is right and wrong and observe their ambitions; the second is to use rhetoric and debate to observe their changes; the third is to consult with people based on strategies and observe their knowledge; the fourth is to tell them about disasters and difficulties. To observe his bravery, the fifth step is to observe his nature by drinking wine; the sixth step is to observe his integrity by looking for benefits; the seventh step is to observe his trustworthiness by doing things in advance. ——Zhuge Liang, "Jiang Yuan - Knowing Human Nature"
You should not be happy about things that have nothing to do, and you should not be angry about things that have nothing to do with you. ——Zhuge Liang
Don’t do evil because it’s small, and don’t do good because it’s small. ——Zhuge Liang "Three Kingdoms"
Those who are good at fighting will not be angry, and those who are good at winning will not be afraid. ——Zhuge Liang's "Sixteen Cheap Strategies"
Examine the way of heaven and earth and observe the hearts of everyone. ——Zhuge Liang's "Sixteen Cheap Strategies"
Only by not being arrogant can one be arrogant, not by favoring and being authoritative. ——Zhuge Liang
It is not advisable to belittle oneself when one has a great spirit of lofty ideals. ——Zhuge Liang
Who will wake up from the big dream first? I will know it all my life. I had enough sleep in the spring in the thatched cottage, and the sun was getting late outside the window. ——Zhuge Liang "Who awakens first from the big dream in the popular romance of the Three Kingdoms"
Snobbish friendships are difficult to endure. Scholars know each other that the warmth does not increase the flowering, the cold does not change the leaves, the penetration of the four seasons does not decline, and the adventures and hardships strengthen the strength. ——Zhuge Liang, "On Friendship"
No learning can be accomplished without tranquility. ——Zhuge Liang
If you are lazy, you have to be alert; if you are impatient, you cannot be rational. ——Zhuge Liang
Stepping out of the gate of Qi City, looking into the distance into the shadow. There are three tombs in it, which are similar to each other. Asked whose tomb it was, Tianjiang Guyezi. The strength can rank Nanshan, and it can reach the end of the world. Once he was slandered, two peaches killed three people. Who can plan for this, Prime Minister Qi Yanzi. ——Zhuge Liang "Liang Fu Yin"
Not loving the wall but loving the shade is difficult and easy to lose. ——Zhuge Liang