1. It is never too late to learn - Gorky (Soviet Union)
2. Knowledge is power - Bacon (English)
3. Love must be Gift - Schiller (Germany)
4. Adversity sharpens virtue - Strauss (Austria)
5. Difficulties create fighters - Cervantes (Spain)
6. Life lies in movement - Rousseau (France) (Prose Network: www.sanwen.net)
7. Life is the pursuit of knowledge - Gorky (Soviet Union)
8. Where there is a will, there is a way.
9. If you are full, you will suffer losses, but if you are modest, you will benefit.
10. Today’s business is finished today.
11. Learn from the experience.
12. You will not live if you do your own evil.
13. It is better to have no faith in the book than to have nothing at all.