Great perseverance is only produced for great purposes. -Stalin
Perseverance can conquer any peak in the world. Dickens
Only perseverance will make us successful ... and the source of perseverance lies in unswervingly taking the means needed to succeed. Chernyshevski
People should have perseverance, otherwise they will accomplish nothing. -(France) Madame Curie
All persistence will pay off sooner or later. Angel
The most ferocious enemy is his weak willpower and stupidity. Gorky
Scientific achievement equals perseverance and patience. Zhang Guanghou
Snails climb to safety by perseverance. -Spyker
Only your actions determine your value. -Fichte
Climb up! No time to think: "How to get to the top of the mountain?" -(Germany) Nietzsche
I think human behavior is the interpreter of thought. -(UK) Locke
Our behavior determines our character, just as our character determines our behavior. Joe Eliot
Great power must be used for great goals. Roosevelt
The sun does not leave footprints in the blue sky-it keeps walking, so it is eternal. -(India) Tagore
Perseverance is the measure of determination. -Arab Mutanabi
If a person unswervingly acts according to his own heart, the world will turn around and tolerate him. Albert
What is harder than a stone? What is softer than water? However, only by perseverance can soft water penetrate hard rocks. -(Ancient Rome) Ovid
Career often becomes perseverance and is destroyed by impatience. -(Persian) Sadi
In exchange for brilliance, it is necessary to blow a weak fire. -Charles
All great actions and great ideas have an ordinary beginning. -Camus
There is such pain in the world, and we can only rely on ourselves to comfort a firm heart. You just want to rely on your own perseverance. -(Germany) Schiller
People who try their best to pick stars often trip over a straw. Spencer