wormhole is actually a concept that was born very early. It was discovered from the solution of Einstein's field equation in 1916, and it was formally put forward by American physicist Wheeler in 195s. Then in the mid-198s, Wheeler's student Kip? Thorne calculated the wormhole quantitatively and deduced its properties. Through calculation, it can be known that if a wormhole is to be kept open so that it can pass through a macroscopic object like Professor Du, then a special kind of substance called "strange object" must be needed to penetrate and support the wormhole. It is called a strange object because it needs to have a negative energy density. How to understand "negative energy density" energy? Simply put, that is, for ordinary substances, they have the gravitational effect of converging light, which is physically equivalent to "positive energy density". However, strange objects can scatter light, so the energy density of strange objects is negative from the perspective of light.
in terms of quantum physics, on the microscopic Planck scale (about 1.6×1-35 meters) and Planck time (about 1-43 seconds), due to the existence of quantum fluctuations, a certain probability of space-time distortion can be caused, thus forming miniature wormholes. However, the size of this wormhole is also at the Planck scale level, so it can't be used to transfer such a macro object as Professor Du. Therefore, an imaginary and feasible way is to grasp and enlarge the wormhole at Planck scale to macro scale by some means, and maintain its existence through exotic objects. However, the hypothesis is beautiful, but the theoretical calculation doesn't think so. First of all, the existence of strange objects with negative energy density is still controversial in science. Secondly, even if strange things exist, the quality of materials needed to maintain a macro wormhole is very surprising. Because the internal gravity of the wormhole is negatively related to the radius, and the radius is positively related to the required mass of exotic objects, if you want to build a wormhole whose gravity is too small to tear up Professor Du, its radius needs to exceed tens of thousands of kilometers, and the mass of maintaining such a large wormhole is tens of thousands of times that of the sun. Finally, Hawking and others also show through calculation that the inherent topological properties of macro space-time cannot be changed, that is, macro wormholes cannot be created out of thin air. From the above, it can be seen that relying on wormholes for space travel, or "being in wormholes" as said in the play, is actually just a beautiful fantasy of human beings.
In addition, the scene in which the professor disappears (or appears) on TV is not actually caused by a wormhole. This is because if there is a macroscopic wormhole, then we should be able to see the light coming from the other end of the wormhole, which makes the wormhole look more like a spherical (or other shape, depending on the distribution of strange things) space showing the scene at the other end. From this point of view, the characteristics of the "random door" in the cartoon "Robot Cat" are closer to a wormhole. Therefore, strictly speaking, the scene of Professor Du's "traveling through time and space" shown in the TV series is not like a wormhole. If interpreted from a more accurate perspective, Professor Du has the special ability of "appearing on the earth from time to time, and then disappearing inexplicably", which may actually be caused by Professor Du's individual being a whole quantum form. Of course, "whole quantization" is also derived from the scientific fantasy of "Ball Lightning" and "Three-body".