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What is the real ending of Lelouch of the Rebellion R2?

It was indeed Lelouch who was driving the car, but Lelouch’s face was not shown during the production of SUNRISE. The video online is fake. If you don’t believe it, you listened to the song all the way to the end, and it even included Got the TV station’s logo! ! The faker must have cut out Lelouch's face and pasted it on again. In fact, that picture didn't exist at all.

October 2009, the broadcast of よりMBS?TBS series にて starts



The 99th generation of the ブリタニアEmperor ルルーシュが仮面の男ゼロに恕れてから5 years. Once the world was peaceful and peaceful, now the interests of each country have surfaced and the crisis of division has emerged.

壊annihilationしたかに见えたブリタニアEmpire であったが, ルルーシュによる disintegration をEscape れていた noble tatsuが, フレイアWhen the capital was cast down, the emperor fled, the emperor was young, and the royal family was new. The new empire is called the new world and the world is revived.

The Assassin of the New Empire, the Prime Minister of Japan, the Assassination of the Fan, the Assassination of the Fans, and the House of the Same Field "ゼロ=木スザク" もナナリーをprotection It's a bad thing.

The country's self-defense system, the "Super United States", is the name of the country's defense, and the world is in chaos, and the world is in chaos.

そして, The walking direction is unknown, となっていたC.C., はナナリーの前にposingをappears, and the girl's にギアスの力をあたえる.

No matter what the reason is くルルーシュと***に bitterness しみを carry い, 优しい世界を一丝に成ることをdeterminationする.



[The Day the Demon Returns]

After the 99th Emperor Lelouch of Britannia was defeated by the masked man Zero 5 years. The world that was once considered to be at peace has once again faced a crisis of division due to the superficial interests of various countries.

Although MS Britannia has been destroyed, the nobles who were disintegrated due to Lelouch supported the young royal family who escaped from the capital Pandra Palace when Frejya fell and became the new The Emperor, resurrected once again in the world under the name of the Empire of New Britannia.

The New Britannian Empire used assassins to assassinate the Japanese Prime Minister and political dignitaries, and zero=Suzaku Suzaku, who happened to be present, was shot and injured again while trying to save Nunally.

Taking this opportunity, various countries withdrew from the United States in the name of protecting their own countries, and the world once again fell into a whirlpool of chaos.

The missing C.C. appeared in front of Nunally again and gave her the power of geass.

C.C guided Nunnally to Lelouch's body that was collected by Rakushita's hands. Although he explained to her that Lelouch would fall into pain again,

< p>But there was no confusion in Nunally's eyes. Instead, she was determined to bear the suffering together with Lelouch and create a beautiful world.

At that time, Nunally's eyes were shining with the light of geass, Lelouch. . .


"The Black Knight of Atonement"


New ブリタニアEmpire には, かつてのEstablishment Dominance Era のCounterattack から Abuse げられていたOld ブリタニアPower が続々とassemble していた. The remaining researcher of the さらにトロモ Mechanism, Tatsuya, built the ダモクレス-level sky fortress "グィネヴィア". New Imperial City,

Same as the new 9th generation new 9th generation technology analysis,

Tomorrow's world invades をStart する.

One side, the black knight 団もロイドの手によってランスロット?アルビオンを超える体を开発しfinal えていた. ニーナによって开発されたサクラダイトとウランatomic fusion bodyをchanger evolutionさせた「アロンダイト」をコアルUse the ミナスにした「ナイトロード」ランスロット?デュラック.

この体は従来のナイトメアフレームをOverrideするPerformanceをholdつ事に SuccessfulしたがcompensationとしてデヴァイサーのスThe burden of the body is too cool をEclipse みdie をwelcome える.


ったくる様にしてReceived けtakeり、デッキにNearly づいてゆくスザク.


After the civil strife in Tokoyami ended


One side of the military? の総attack撃で dereliction of duty


The captain of the Renbang army mercenary unit, ガルシアによってクメンから rescueい出される

ゴン?ヌーの Remnant したSecret private documentに目したガルシアは

『The usefulness of the incompetent living body』を実験し

戦 contention におけるGold storage けの Foot hanging かりにしようと Introductionんでいた

かくしてガルシアのUnder surveillanceとなったカン?ユーは

Secret Private Documentsにピックアップされていた8 people

デスタン、ゴステロ .れば、生き半れない」


『Twin Demon King』

Resurrection of the Demon King My own resurrection and report, "ルルーシュ" としてのexistent, buried, gone, ったまま, び「仮面の男ゼロ」としてblack, knight’s band, participated, and again’s knight’s bandit rate, いる事となる.

そして、ルルーシュのRESURRECTION を神楽YESより文かされた「Knights of Loyalty」が黑のKnights’ flagship 「Amaterasu」にaziをappears.


Puppet であることを见抜き, 出せ集めの remnant force にpass ぎないとJudgment,

ラクシャータの手によるNew KMF "Thunder Fire" を駆るFujido rate いる黑の Knight団を, インドOver the Ocean Sky にNow れたNew ブリタニアEmpire Imperial Capital Strategy に investmentするが、 久久戦を强いられる.


「Weak fighting ability? 无う. 戦之法レベルではない. 戦strategy でこちらにひけを取らない、いやむしろlast chapter っている? to こうWho is the commander? ", violator, むしろ"

The center of the new ブリタニア empire's capital "Holy King's Throne". The center of the most arcane part of the さらにそのに隠された真の "Holy Grail Room".

そこに梦る huge な生 Potential type スカラ type スーパーコンピューター. それはトロモMechanism がルルーシュのthinking パターンをANALYSIS し、Reappearance した戦STREAM INDEPENDENT THINKING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE だった.

Future broadcasts are scheduled

Return4 カレン立つ

Return5 Gurrenzai

Return6 Peaceful Desire

Return7 The Emperor's Restraint

Return8 Guardian ブリタニア

Return9 仮面の重さ

Return10 Hush

Return11 ゼロPunitive Proposal

Return12 Blood color

Return13 イスカリオテ

Return14 Overlord's qualification

Return15 Memory name before C.C.

Return16 Hajime

Return17 覚 Wake up シュナイゼル

Return18 ラグナレク与続

Return19 Selection

Return20 The third トウキョウ duel

< p>Return21 スザクのdetermination

Return22 ナナリーの说び

Return23 神の名は

Return24 愿りの声

Return25 优しい セカイ