After the fire burned out and the lights went out, there were sixty people with flat heads. When the firepinlampisfinished, it will besixtyflatheadedpeople.
Make a pot of fire and roar the bamboo, stay up late for the year and listen to the chili pepper. Apotoffireroaredbamboo,ShouSuiopentolistentothesongpepper.
The sound of firecrackers gets rid of the old year, and thousands of households welcome the new year. Withthesoundoffirecrackers,thousandsofTaofuhouseholdswelcomethenewyear.
The jade world is dustless and green, and the silver flowers are in flames. Jadedust-free,athousandacresofgreen,silverflowershaveflame,wanjiachun.
Spring has only been seven days, and it has been two years since I left home. Itsonlysevendaysintospring,anditsseentwoyearssinceIlefthome.
On Lantern Festival this year, the moon and the lights are still the same. OnNewYearsEve,themoonandthelamparestillthesame.
The four seasons open a new rhythm, and the three Yangs celebrate their birthdays. Threeyangshouldcelebratetheirbirthday.
The orioles sing and swallows sing the New Year, and thousands of dragons pile up on the road in Mayi. henewyearisannouncedbythewarblersandswallows,andtherearethousandsofroadsinMayi.
I miss my hometown tonight, and I miss another year tomorrow. Hometonightthinkingthousandsofmiles,frostTempleMingDynastyanotheryear.
All things welcome the spring and send off the remaining wax, and the year ends tonight.
All thingsinspringsendresidualwax,theendoftheyeartonight.