1. Management is called a comprehensive art. Comprehensive because management involves basic principles, self-awareness, wisdom and leadership; art because management is practice and application.
2. West Point Military Academy can be called the best business school in the United States. It produces generals but also business leaders. It teaches tactics and business secrets. There are three secrets to the success of West Pointers: leadership, challenge and charisma.
3. Management is to define the mission of the enterprise and to motivate and organize human resources to achieve this mission. Defining mission is the task of entrepreneurs, while motivating and organizing human resources is the scope of leadership, and the combination of the two is management.
4. Leadership? If only it could be increased by picking up a morale medal like the heroes in "Invincible Heroes". Lying on the bed, Duan Sirius had a headache. Ever since he was a child, he had been a loner and had never been in the habit of bringing anyone with him. Isn't it nonsense to ask him to develop leadership skills now? "Leadership? What is that?" Duan Sirius muttered to himself and rolled over on the bed.
5. Leadership is available to everyone in good times, but true leadership is only possible in times of adversity.
6. In the competition between China to enhance its world status and the United States to maintain global hegemony, it is not about who can spend more money, but who has stronger political leadership.