In the 32nd episode, Zhou Bingkun's performance was too dazzling. A scum who graduated from primary school may not have read the Analects of Confucius, and he may not know the truth of Confucius' poem. However, Zhou Bingkun has fulfilled the basic requirements of Confucius for human beings. Disciples are filial when they enter, and filial when they leave. They are sincere and believe that they love the public and are kind. Learn literature if you have spare time. Children should be filial to their parents, love their teachers when they go out, be careful when they speak, keep their word, get along with everyone and be close to caring people. After doing this, if there is any remaining energy, it will be used to learn cultural knowledge. "
I can think of The Analects of Confucius because I watched the 32nd episode and found out how Zhou Bingkun did it. It can be seen that he was deeply influenced by Confucianism. Before this, "Human Life" has told the audience that the Zhou family moved from Shandong to the northeast. Can we also find it in Congcong's life? The Zhou family still retains the language habits of Shandong people. For example, when you meet Zhou, call him "grandpa". In Shandong, grandpa has two pronunciations. When I call my father and brother, I am softly pronounced Ye, which means uncle. It is said that when addressing grandparents, this grandfather is Yang Ping, pronounced as Yee, referring to grandpa. It's Bing Kun's eldest brother. Cong Cong should call him Ye. In addition to language habits, Zhou family members are also deeply influenced by Confucian culture.
Zhou Bingkun's dream is to be like Zhou Zhigang, and "family harmony" is the common pursuit of Zhou Bingkun and Zhou Zhigang. Zhou Bingkun made it clear that his role model was Zhou Zhigang. Seeing this scene, I cried and laughed. Crying is that this father-son relationship is particularly touching. Zhou Zhigang said to Zhou Bingkun, "You are better than your father." It was like tear gas, which made people feel sour. Laughing, when I analyzed Zhou Zhigang's article, my point of view was confirmed. "Zhou Zhi is only the manipulator of Zhou Bingkun's fate", and Zhou Bingkun hopes to become an adult like Zhou Zhigang. Father and son have similar views on mate selection, marry a good wife and mother, and know how to repay kindness. As a son of Zhou family, Zhou's life pursuit is different from that of Bing Kun, while Zhou's life pursuit is "ruling the country and leveling the world". In this regard, we can also find evidence in episode 32, "My brother's life role model may be a person who wants to change the world." Whether Zhou can achieve his goal in life is another topic. Judging from the performance of 32 episodes, Zhou Bingkun has indeed achieved his life goal of "keeping the family in order". When the Zhou family held a family meeting, they acknowledged Bingkun's paternal status, which was a recognition of his "family" achievements. Knowing that the child with the worst qualifications is already an indispensable pillar of the Zhou family. The family meeting organized by Zhou Bingkun once again made us understand that Zhou Bingkun's mind is very clear. He made it clear that the biggest problem for the Zhou family to move back to Guangzi Film Industry was how Nan Nan viewed it. Zhou Bingkun and Nan Nan are talking outdoors with a beautiful starting point-I won't allow anyone to hurt my wife. Bing Kun emphasized the blood relationship between Nan Zhou and Zheng Juan, but in fact he was beating Nan Zhou and letting him have a personal relationship. Luo Shibin is Nan Zhou's biological father, but Zheng Juan is not only Nan Zhou's biological mother, but also he raised Nan Zhou. Bing Kun did not emphasize his kindness to Nan Zhou's upbringing, but emphasized his relationship with Zheng Juan. Parenting is a foolish account, and the relationship between husband and wife is an established fact that cannot be changed. If Nan Zhou has second thoughts about the Zhou family, it will definitely be uncomfortable. If you don't feel well, the ecological environment where Zhou's family live in harmony will be destroyed. Zhou Bingkun beat Nan Zhou, which is definitely the level of a high-ranking player. The last two sentences that Bing Kun said to Nan Zhou are enough to prove that Zhou Bingkun raised the ceiling of a good man. Zhou Bingkun used these two sentences to emphasize that he and Zheng Juan are a community of destiny (husband and wife should have formed a community of destiny). Zhou Bingkun emphasized that "I am happy when your mother is happy", which means that a win-win relationship can be established between husband and wife. Zhou Bingkun cares about Zheng Juan's happiness, and Zheng Juan is more motivated to be a good wife and mother. The ultimate benefit is everyone in the Zhou family. Zhou Bingkun's success in Straightening the Family is really inseparable from Zheng Juan. Unfortunately, not every couple can build a community of destiny, such as Joe and Cao Debao, such as Feng Huacheng. After marriage, they all quarreled or even fought, and unconsciously fell into the strange circle of zero-sum game. Even if one side wins and the other side loses, the winner cannot benefit from it. Because fighting will weaken the love between each other, it is easy to make them become strange strange bedfellows.