Young China people, China's responsibility. Therefore, on that day, as well as the youth of all others. Wisdom is a young and rich country, wisdom is strong, Guo Fu is strong, young independent kingdom is independent kingdom, young freedom and progress are free, young country, young Europe is better than European countries, young men are better than countries on earth, and men are better than countries on earth. Red, the bigger light is, the river, a huge Chu diarrhea, diving place in Zhao Lin. Milk Hu Xiao Valley, all earthquakes shattered, Sun Ying dust everywhere; Try wings, flowers, Yu Yu Huang Huang early, there will be a meeting to send, there will be a light. Heaven and earth, covered with yellow, have eight jars, like the sea, the future, longer. Beauty is my young China teenager, and God, alas, my China Youth Village and Wujiang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !