Mary Kay brings you a more beautiful change than makeup - turning an ordinary woman into a beautiful, elegant, confident, independent and self-reliant perfect woman is Mary Kay's unique art. Mary Kay has carefully designed a road to success for modern women: if you are lucky enough to become a Mary Kay beauty consultant, through hard work you can become a distributor, and eventually you are entirely likely to become a chief distributor and reach the pinnacle of your career. Mary Kay Ash's career began when most people thought it should end, and she offered a new possibility.
1. She began, and reality ended - men not only won the anti-fascist war and took away the spoils, but they were also victors in society, even aggressors, taking what women deserved. Men are the boss of the world, and this situation is no different from now. This is the problem we are dealing with, and it is also the problem Mary Kay wants to solve.
2. Dream Empire - "I want to build a" dream company, which has unlimited opportunities for all women and helps more people realize their dreams. "This dream prompted her to invest $5,000 of her savings at the time to establish Mary Kay, a cosmetics company that provides women with unlimited opportunities and helps women realize their dreams.
3. You can have everything—— Mary Kay Ash inspired thousands of women with her business structure, enabling them to become small business operators. Under her own management style, she used constant encouragement and material rewards to enhance women's self-esteem and self-esteem. Confidence. Some magazines marveled that Mary Kay Ash has liberated more women than American feminist leader Gloria Steinem. Mary Kay Ash herself admitted that she was the greatest achievement in her entire career. The feeling is to see many women succeed.